Anne DeSantis| Member Spotlight

Founding Member of WomenH2H💞, Director, St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for Freedom, Family, and Faith, TV & Podcast Host.

WomenH2H Blog
Published in
7 min readMay 27, 2020


Fun Facts

Anne DeSantis 2022

  • Anne is a person of faith; she is a practising Catholic and this is the most important aspect of who she is.
  • Anne has been married to her husband Angelo for almost 31 years and in a relationship with him since 1984.
  • Anne is a 55+ model/actress as a hobby in addition to being the director of a foundation which is her main career.
  • Anne is the director of a foundation making outreach to those affected by divorce and separation. The foundation is called the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation at www.nonnatus.org. It is a Catholic non-profit.
  • Anne homeschooled her children for 20 years.
  • Anne is a Master of Theology Student graduating in 2020.
  • Anne has an on-line TV show and a podcast. The podcast is called “Sewing Hope” with Bill Snyder and the TV show is “Journeys in Faith with Anne DeSantis” on Fiat Ministry Network.
  • Anne became a “pescatarian”; she has not eaten meat or poultry since 1991.
  • Anne is very much into a holistic lifestyle including buying products which are vegan or animal-free if possible.


Anne DeSantis 2020

Anne DeSantis is a wife and mom of two daughters in their 2020’s, a 55+ model and actress from the Greater Philadelphia area, and the director for the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for Freedom, Family, and Faith. Anne is also the host of both a podcast and an online TV show. The “Sewing Hope Podcast” can be found on YouTube and the Podbean App of your phone or laptop at “Patchwork Heart Ministry”. The TV show is on Fiat Ministry Network on both YouTube and on Facebook LIVE! Reach out to Anne on social media or on her website at www.annedesantis.com where more can be learned about her life and ministry.


When it comes to the role of women at work today, what inspires you and what keeps you up at night?

I think women have a major impact on the workforce, and I’m proud to be part of it! I was a stay-at-home Mom for 20 years and even homeschooled my kids from preK-12 and entered the workforce in a greater way in 2017 when I started working for a Catholic non-profit called the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation. In 2018 I was promoted to the role of director for the foundation, and it is an honor.

What “keeps me up at night” has less to do with this question and more to do with the “aches and pains” of being over 55. (LOL).

What’s your goal around that and why is it important to you? Why is that a priority for you right now?

My main goal in life is loving and serving God. I am a practising Catholic and that comes first for me. My decisions are based on what God wishes me to do in a certain circumstance, so it’s less about goals for myself and more about how I am being called to love and serve others.

My priority is the same, I wish to do God’s will for me because without him in my life, I would not have direction. When I try to do things my own way without God or others in mind, it usually fails.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve personally had as a woman at work? How did you try to overcome them?

My biggest challenges as a woman at work are just the balancing part. I love to eat healthy and for my family, exercise, and have a balance in life aside from work. The balance is probably the biggest challenge because I get passionate about my work, and I need to be able to have a good balance of work and my personal life and family life.

The way I overcome obstacles is through prayer. I am the type of person at age 55 who is used to being different. I homeschooled my kids, I am into holistic living and have been since the early 90’s, I am pro-life, and I am very convicted about my beliefs.

I overcome obstacles by understanding that not everyone is going to like you or agree on all points in your life, and that’s OK.

Who or what would have made it easier? What do you wish you would have done then?

I am not sure what would have made certain aspects of my life easier. I think our culture is too independent.

We all do “need” one another as we are people of community.

I am not into a competition; in fact, it is what I dislike most in the work world and in life.

I think we all have gifts, and when we were together, we can build a kinder and better culture for all.

Looking back on my life, I do not have regrets because I gave my complete heart and soul to my kids for 20 years as a homeschooling parent. I have the heart to help others, so in terms of what I would do to have helped other people…

I feel there is always so much room to help those in need. I hope to continue to do this for the rest of my life.

Many women are overwhelmed by the constant changes at work, frustrated with conflicts or disheartened by office politics, drama and draining emotions. What have you done in the past to help you get through such moments?

I hate gossip and I have no qualms saying it outright. I am the type who will tell people in a group conversation and just outright say its wrong to be unkind or talk about people behind their backs. I do my best to avoid being around any gossip, and most people know this about me, I have even written articles about it. What I do in my life is to pray when I am challenged in this way. I do not care for passive-aggressive behavior whether in business or in my personal life.

I think it is more effective to say what you mean straight to the person at hand, and that has helped me in my own life to be more authentic.

I try to do this in a caring way, but I make it clear that it is better to tell the truth than to turn to others to discuss matters that are better to be brought to the surface. God’s help is needed in all of it.

Who do you follow on these subjects? Are there authors, influencers, leaders, sites, blogs you follow?

As mentioned, my Catholic faith is my guide. It helps me to discern all I do. I do follow several people on-line, maybe too many to list.

It is wonderful to have mentors to look up to and I am always trying to find new information to help me grow.

Learn more about my interests by following me on social media at ‘Anne DeSantis’ or by going to my website at www.annedesantis.com.

Do you participate in other women groups or communities? What have you seen work in such communities and what was missing for you?

At the current time, I am not enrolled in a women’s group, however, there a couple of groups on Facebook which I am part of.

Not sure what’s missing from other groups, but I am looking forward to engagement from this one!

Why is it important for women to be surrounded by other women and what is the role we play in each other’s lives?

I think as women we can learn from one another. Our lives are so much more than our occupations. We are wives, moms, single, grandmothers, artists, sports enthusiasts, and so many more titles! I wouldn’t attempt to name them all.

Work is a part of all our lives, but as women, we also play a role in society as nurturers and those who are good at simply being human.

That is what I like the most about being a woman and about the role we play in one another’s lives.

What activities could we do so that we master together how to get back our zest, thrive on change, lead with grace and confidence, and co-create the beautiful workplaces we all long for?

I think the best place to start is for all of us to “slow-down”.

When we take the time to be mindful, do things slowly and correctly, and stop rushing, we make a bigger impact to help to create more beautiful workspaces and environments.

It’s all about recognizing the good in every person. Every person has a unique gift. This is where it all starts.

How do you see your role in building this community? And is there anything else you want to add that you think would be helpful for us to know as we are building this community?

I think building community starts with friendliness, kindness, open ears, and positivity. All of us need more positivity since our world tends to see the “bad” more often than the “good”.

My role is to bring the positivity and even deeper faith to others.

God does exist and he cares about every person. He is always with all of us. All of us are blessed.

Building community can never forget those who are marginalized in this world. We all have a responsibility to remember them.

I will leave everyone with contemplating the life of someone such as Mother Teresa, or St. Teresa of Calcutta. She said that…

A smile is often the best give we can give others if nothing else. I think whether in business or in life, this is great advice for all of us.

Please reach out to me on my website at any time at www.annedesantis.com. I would love to hear from you. I am a podcast and on-line TV host, and the director for the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation.

I hope to hear from you!

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WomenH2H Blog

A global heart-centered community of women influencers and changemakers leading the way for the evolution of our workplaces and the betterment of humanity.