Nomination Form| Women in Content Marketing Awards 2020

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We’re excited to receive your nomination for the Women in Content Marketing Awards! CLICK TO SUBMIT A NOMINATION.

Here’s what you’ll need to know to get started:

If You’re Nominating Yourself

Please submit a single nomination form, and indicate if you’d like to be considered for General Excellence or Rising Star (if you’re not sure, we will move the application to the right category when we review it). Review all of the nomination criteria carefully before filling out and sending in the form. Additional entries will not be considered.

If You’re Nominating Others

You may nominate as many women in content marketing as you feel fit the criteria. Please fill out just one nomination form for each person that you’re entering, and indicate if you’d like for them to be considered for General Excellence or Rising Star (if you’re not sure, we will move the nomination form to the right category when we review it).

Review all of the nomination criteria carefully before filling out and sending in the form. Additional entries for the same nominee, by the same person, will not be considered. If a woman has been nominated by more than one person, both nomination forms will be reviewed — but she will still be considered single nominee.

WICMA Award Categories

  • General Excellence This award recognizes exceptional content marketing contributions made by the nominee. This can include work she has developed for a brand or organization, ways in which the nominee has used her voice to inspire and lead others in the industry, or to rise above adversity.
  • Rising Star This award recognizes an up-and-coming content marketer who has demonstrated exceptional work/talent.

What Makes a WICMA Winner?

We are awarding women whose primary area of professional focus is content marketing. In addition, she:

  • Has worked in the content marketing space for at least 2 years
  • Is based in the United States or Canada
  • Produces or oversees content marketing as a staffer or independent contractor (freelancer) for a brand, agency, organization, or publisher OR is a recognized thought leader in the content marketing industry.
  • Has done outstanding work in the area of content marketing including:

**Helping a brand, organization, or their own client to establish or significantly grow their presence, or to reach specific goals, through content marketing

**Leading or making a meaningful contribution to a noteworthy content campaign

**Pioneering new ways to create or measure the success of branded content

  • Has supported or inspired others in becoming more successful content marketers (specific examples encouraged)
  • Has supported others in growing their own careers in the content marketing industry

Contact WICMA

To learn more about the Women in Content Marketing Awards, including press, sponsorship, or partnership opportunities, contact us here.



Women in Content Marketing Awards
Women in Content Marketing Awards

WICMA recognizes the outstanding work of inspiring women, spotlightling specific achievements and ways that these marketers have positively impacted others.