Don’t Get Caught up in the Numbers, Most People Don’t Even Attempt to do What You Just Did

Ali Powell
Women in Sales
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2018

I have a Peloton (PelotonLeadership) bike in my home office. It sits right next to my desk. It is my favorite possession outside of owning my house and well, maybe my dog Poppy.

I started working remote 1 year and 2 months ago to be exact. I have worked at HubSpot for what will be 8 years this August. WOW, long time. Amazing time. I left Boston in March last year to move down to Charleston, SC and became a full time remote sales rep.

I still remember going to my boss and asking if I could possibly work remote. I was nervous about asking. I was thinking that he would say no and I would have to quit HubSpot to make a move and change like this in my life.

Thankfully because of my track record at HubSpot they allowed me to move and work remote from Charleston, SC. I was in a place personally in my life where I needed a change and a move but didn’t want to quit HubSpot. So here I am a year later and couldn’t be happier working remote.

I bought a Peloton in December. I have always loved spinning and was a Soul Cycle girl up in Boston. Spinning works so well for me. I love count downs. Maybe because I am in sales but I love anything that helps me work towards some type of number or goal. I get a high from hitting a number or goal. So similar to sales I like hitting a certain cadence on the Peloton bike or a certain output or calories burned. I love it, it gets me so pumped up and excited to take on the rest of my day. I feel accomplished and love the journey to getting to that goal.

The instructors on Peloton are fire. They are encouraging. Welcoming. Confident. Strong.

They remind me of my worth and how strong I am as a person on and off the bike.

Yesterday in an on demand class I took with Robin Arzon she said something she has said many times before:

“Don’t get so caught up in the numbers. Most people don’t even attempt to do what you just did.”


That really got me thinking.

Here is a photo from my instagram stories that I took mid day during the ride.

In sales numbers are so important to our jobs.

We need to hit our numbers.

We will have bad months or months that we didn’t love.

We might have quarters that we didn’t love and don’t feel the best about our performance.

At the end of the day, sales is something MOST people don’t even attempt to do.

That is because sales is hard.

But, anything worth doing is hard. Anything you attempt to do that is hard is worthwhile.

You are in sales because it is hard. You are in sales because you like to work hard. You get a high off of hitting goals and hitting your numbers. Sales is worth your while. Because when you do hit those goals and you do hit those numbers it was because you tried. You put in the effort to see the results and that should make you feel proud. It should make the hard work worth your while.

Remember that when you miss.

Remember that you are doing something that most people don’t even attempt to do.

That your work everyday is worthwhile.

You just being in sales is extraordinary. You being in sales is not something everyone even attempts to do.

Remember this when you are feeling down or unsure. Remind yourself that you are strong and you can do this.



Ali Powell
Women in Sales

@HubSpot sales for 8 1/2 years. I run the #WomeninSales Slack community. I have a growing side hustle called Fetes de Fleurs that I am doing full time come Feb.