Katniss Everdeen

The ‘Girl on Fire’ Saves the Day in More Ways Than One

Rebekah stone
Women in the Movies


“The Hunger Games” has swept the nation as a true phenomenon. The story about the post apocalyptic North America being divided into twelve districts to form a country called Panem and the rebellion of the districts against the capitol that leads to the mandatory participation in The Hunger Games each year is all too familiar by now. There are many reasons why Katniss is a great heroine. Let us take a closer look inside the life of the young sixteen year old who defies the odds and stands against injustice in the country.

Katniss Everdeen begins as a sixteen year old who enjoys hunting and takes on the responsibility of providing for her family. During the morning of the “reaping” to pick the next participants of the games, her younger sister Primrose’s name is unexpectedly pulled from the jar of eligible tributes. Katniss takes matters into her own hands and decides that she will not allow Prim to fight for her life and boldly volunteers in her sister’s place. This act of love and bravery is what ultimately sparks the entire series into motion and thus the unforgettable journey of a strong, extraordinary teenager begins. Katniss refuses to kill needlessly during the games and selflessly defies the capitol’s wish of having a single victor after the games. This act provokes hope for the rest of the country and sparks a rebellion against the capitol throughout the rest of Panem.

Katniss Everdeen is praised as a hero throughout Panem. She becomes a sign of hope for the remaining members who have lost all faith in things ever getting better. She stands up to the government against the treatment of the citizens and refuses to play by the given rules because she knows that they are wrong. This movie shows that Katniss is a true hero and she is a beacon of hope for anyone who believes that one person cannot make a difference. Miss Everdeen ends up with an entire army of support behind her and with their help, injustice becomes ancient history.

Katniss Everdeen

Movies that contain a strong female character such as Katniss are a good reminder that someone can do whatever they put their mind to no matter their age, race or gender. Adversity might pop up along the way but it must be overcome and in the end justice prevails. This movie encourages other women to stand up for what they believe in and make a difference, the outcome could turn out to be something amazing.

