What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI allows humans and machines to interact with each other: let’s see how.

Chiara Martino
Women in Voice


Picture of an AI talking to a human, generated with DALL-E by OpenAI

What does Conversational AI mean?

Conversational AI is the branch of AI that creates software that can chat with humans, such as chatbots and voice assistants.

Yep, that’s a simple definition for a large (and equally largely discussed) topic. However…what does it really mean?

Let’s dive into it together! First, we’ll break down each word to understand why Conversational AI belongs to Artificial Intelligence and why it is called “Conversational” and then we’ll have a quick overview on how conversational solutions are created.

Ready? Let’s start from the “AI” part of it!

Conversational AI is a branch of Artificial Intelligence, because it seeks to emulate the human skills that people use to chat and talk to each other.



Chiara Martino
Women in Voice

🤖 I work at the creation of chatbots and voice assistants and I write about Conversational AI & Linguistics 🚀 Co-Founder @ Women in Voice Italy