
Women in Voice India — WiVIN!

Women in Voice
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2020


Last week, we had the official kick-off of Women in Voice India chapter and we are all super pumped to officially get the ball rolling! WiVIN is led by 5 women coming from different backgrounds to help take the voice community in India to new heights. But before I give you an introduction to our team, let me take some moment to talk about WiV Global.

What is WiV?

Women in Voice is an initiative to celebrate, amplify and empower women in the voice tech industry. It is an international organisation to support and help women get the right resources to learn, share and build a career in voice tech.

It consists of 17 local chapters from countries all over the world, including Seatle, New York, Germany, Spain, etc., and now, we have finally launched in India too! Please find your local WiV chapter here to connect with your respective leaders.

What does it do: The local chapters independently conduct various events including workshops, lectures, fireside chats and meet-ups, etc., that are full of focused conversations around different voice technologies, demos, show-cases, keynotes etc.. In short, local chapters try to build an active community of voice-tech enthusiasts and professionals, spearheaded by women who are already working in voice, or are pivoting towards it.

Women in Voice India — WiVIN

The WiV chapter in India is fairly new and we are still in the planning phase of various exciting events that are coming up in the following months.

Women In Voice India Team

Meet the founding team (alphabetically, followed by their designations)-

We come from various backgrounds but share our strong inclination for the voice tech space and believe in the power of community. We are determined to become an active part of the voice eco-space in general and bring about a positive change in this space. We are ideating on various events and initiatives that will be organised in the following months. All we need right now from you, is a lot of love and support for us to be able to do the same.

Please join us

If you’re from India and are interested in the voice space you should definitely join us by filling up this form, or you can also drop us a mail at india@womeninvoice.org and we will reach you back with the next steps. Meanwhile, if you want to learn more about WiV please visit the global website at https://womeninvoice.org/ and follow WiVIN on Twitter. If you have any queries, please visit our FAQ page or just drop a comment.

Thank you for reading :-)

please show some support :-)



Women in Voice

I make software for a living. I love code, music, books and honesty. More than that, I like making plans that may or may not be executed.