5 Tips to craft a perfect resume

Nishla Shakya
Women Leaders in Technology
3 min readSep 19, 2018

‘Good shoes take you to good places, good resume take you to the better place!’

In the world where we brag that we aren’t judged by a piece of paper, ironically we are! We need a perfect resume wherever we decide to move ahead, whether it be our dream job or a dream university. Here I’ve shared a few tips to craft your perfect resume. It’s not that I have a perfect one but with all the research and study I did to create mine I thought it will help you too. So, stay with me till the end.

1. One page is enough

I know you want to mention all your achievements in a resume. From securing the first position in a favorite sport to some cooking or dance competition you got gold for. With all that, your resume becomes 2–3 pages which you feel happy of as for now people gonna know that you are really talented. But that’s not the case, according to standards for every 10 years of work experience one-page resume is enough. So, make it short and sweet with those achievements that would be significant for the post you’re applying for.

2. A picture is a cliche

Do not include a picture on a resume. Especially because you are not and should not be judged by your appearance. Even if you have to include your picture make sure it’s a professional half body shot.

No no no!

3. Summary

A summary is the most important part of your resume because when people look at your resume they have maybe like 20 seconds and in those 20 seconds, you need to grab their attention and impress them. Writing resume is kind of an art, so dig out the most important stuff from your achievement list and paint it beautifully in your summary.

4. The volume of each section

There are different sections in a particular standard resume like Personal Information, Education, Work Experience, Hobbies etc. The volume of each section is determined by the time you are spending on all of that. So, if you’re currently working then your work experience will be 80% of your resume and likewise, if you’re a student you have to focus more on Education section with your GPAs and ECAs.

5. Use Mero Resume

Mero Resume is a web application to craft your resume in a perfect way. All you have to do is fill up the details you want in and hit that ‘Create Resume’ button. A perfectly crafted resume will be ready to download without having to waste any time in formatting, choosing fonts, margins, deciding placements of each section etc. It basically makes everything easier, so thank me later for that.

We created Mero Resume in React Riot, 48 hours online React Hackathon. This is our first release so do check our application and sign in with us because we have a lot more to bring in the near future. We even plan on developing it as a platform for both recruiters and job seekers. Do leave us feedback and comments below to make this app even better. You can also vote for us here till 24th September 2018.

Fig. Sample PDF of a resume generated with Mero Resume

I hope this article helped you to make your resume even a little better as it’s a document that represents you to the people you haven’t met before and also determines if you’re gonna meet those people or not. Thank you for staying till the end.

