Finally Launching DECODEING School

Katelyn Cresmer
Women Make
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2018

I need motivation. I’ve been talking about creating an online school for 2 years, and it’s finally time to execute plans.

Since I have failed myself over and over to put this school together, I was glad to see the opportunity to join a hackathon where the goal is to make something online in 30 days.

Accountability, support and motivation all come together in this hackathon with an awesome group working towards something at the same time.

So I’m taking this opportunity to get my ass in gear and fucking ship my school.

Now today, I am laying down a concrete plan.


Launch DECODEING School by Halloween with the Computer Science major learning path.


  • Revamp landing page
  • Content Entry
  • Information pages
  • User-Friendly signup and back-end
  • Marketing Plan
  • Launch


  1. Finalize curriculum
  2. Gather final learning materials for courses
  3. Create projects and feedback loops throughout the curriculum
  4. Set up the backend to be user-friendly
  5. Straightforward info page and signup
  6. Test website as a user
  7. Create promotional material (screenshots, video of backend)


Still working on the marketing plan, but I hope to gather a list of websites/blogs/people in the alternative schooling/MOOC space and have conversations.


I will be following MAKE book‘s plan through this whole process up until launch day.



Katelyn Cresmer
Women Make

Entrepreneur & Programmer | I code websites and write things while being a stay-at-home cat mom.