How CoderStory was built in 24hrs

Jess Ahmet
Women Make
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2018

Yesterday, I built CoderStory as part of the #24hrstartup challenge. It is a place to read interviews from experienced developers and makers across the world.

It was motivated by the need to create more conversation in this space. As someone who has been learning to code for around 4 years, I still struggle with some of the key fundamentals of programming and always felt like I need the support of a developer to get anything done. However, we don’t all have the luxury of a developer always available to help with our questions. The idea behind these interviews is to understand their approaches to learning as well as building applications, their recommendations on how to learn and the best technologies to work with and lastly their advice for developers of tomorrow.

The project still has a long way to go until it’s where I’d like it to be, but I’m happy with the progress made. The whole project was built in 16 hours and 15 minutes, with a few additions that were not considered when live-streaming.

The Launch Tweet 🔥

Preparing for the Challenge 💻

Firstly, I had to come up with an idea for the challenge and a few days before the idea for CoderStory came to mind. Once I had decided on the idea, I had to put together a list of interview questions and find developers to be involved. Thankfully, I had several positive responses and more to add to the website over the coming days.

Snippets from the interviews at

The Live Stream 📹

Building in public has its upsides and downsides. The upside is that it keeps you accountable — being motivated by the fact that people are tuned in to watch you build a product is a great feeling. However, it can be difficult when you are in-experienced in coding like I am and get stuck for hours on simple problems. Nevertheless, it was a great learning experience and something I would definitely do again in the future.

The Official Launch 🚀

The official launch will likely be at the end of November. After the live stream, I brainstormed some new concepts and ideas I’d like to add to it before I launch it on Product Hunt, Hacker News etc. Once the official launch has happened, I will create a follow up post with my results.

If you’d like to join the mailing list to receive the latest interviews, free resources and best deals for developers — sign up here.

You can find us on Twitter at @Coder_Story



Jess Ahmet
Women Make

Content Developer @DataCamp • Certified Power BI Analyst • Unhealthy obsession @GreysABC • Has a GIF for every occasion • 🇬🇧🇵🇭🏳️‍🌈