Ann Wagner Brings Darkness of Assault to Light

House Republicans
Women Making History
3 min readMar 24, 2016

“As a mother, it is pure instinct to want to reach out and help protect this young woman, reassure her it’s not her fault and tell her that her perpetrator deserved every single day of the 50-year sentence he received. As a lawmaker, I feel blessed to be in a position where I can help make a difference.”

Throughout Women’s History Month, House Republicans are celebrating the many incredible accomplishments of women across America.

While it’s important to recognize the great things women from all generations have achieved, this is also an opportunity to highlight the issues women face but are often overlooked.

For many, it’s the reality of sexual violence and assault.

Congresswoman Ann Wagner of Missouri is committed to not only bringing sexual violence and assault to light, but to eradicating these issues once and for all.

Congresswoman Ann Wagner

As a mother, a woman, and a lawmaker, Wagner has a deep understanding of the indispensable value in fighting violence and rape in America.

In an op-ed published on CNN Online, Wagner discusses the agenda House Republicans are building to restore a more confident America, where women can feel secure in their lives and their futures.

“Unfortunately, headlines that focus on acts of violence and hatred, like rape and sexual assault, all too often outweigh stories focused on the huge accomplishments of women in America: accomplishments they of course continue to make. As we recognize Women’s History Month throughout March, we must train our sights both on the future of women and on putting an end to the horrific, crushing crimes they face.

Sexual assault and rape occur every day across the country, right in our communities. The victims are our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, our friends.

We must take the issue of sexual assault out of the shadows to eradicate the stigma, prevent crimes and provide survivors with a sense of hope. Raising awareness is critical and I am heartened to see leaders and celebrities speak out about sexual assault, most recently with Lady Gaga’s performance at the Oscars.”

I vow to provide a better future for the next generation of women and their daughters.

“Last year I co-sponsored the bipartisan Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights, federal legislation that provides a list of recommended protections and procedures for states to voluntarily adopt that would ensure sexual assault victims have access to justice.

We in the United States Congress are committed to working with states across the country to help solve some of these legal deficiencies and provide the most powerful protection for all survivors: hope.

As we celebrate Women’s History Month and recognize all the great accomplishments of women before us, we must remain committed to providing opportunities and protections for future generations. I am resolute in fighting until the day this heinous crime of sexual assault is no longer a story in our living history, and I strongly urge my colleagues in the House to take up and vote in favor of H.Res. 230, the Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights. I hope you will join me in this fight.”

To read the full op-ed, click here.



House Republicans
Women Making History

The United States House of Representatives Republican Conference