Women at Carroll — Meet Michelle Spangler

How are you adding value to the JCU community?

Budget Analyst

How many years have you been at JCU?


What is special about JCU?

My love for John Carroll University began when I was student here ten years ago. Students are incredibly engaged, and I appreciate the unique lens the Jesuit education provides students, faculty, and staff. As a student, I was part of the Arrupe Scholars Program, which helped me to further develop an appreciation for service and an attention to social justice. My John Carroll experience as a student inspired me to do a year of service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and to return a number of years later as a staff member. As a current staff member, John Carroll continues to inspire in me a desire for critical thinking and engaged dialogue with others.

What was your happiest moment at JCU?

Switching glasses with Interim President Dr. Jeanne Colleran (see picture!).

If you had a magic wand, how would you improve the JCU experience?

A focus on recruiting, retaining, and supporting international students to further diversify our student body as well as an enhanced recruitment of diverse faculty members.

Fun fact about you:

I ran the Cleveland marathon, and I have been vegan for over 5 years.



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Women at Carroll

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