7 Questions with Aoileann Banks

Global Events Program Manager at Google | she/her

Women of Silicon Valley
Women of Silicon Docks
3 min readMar 16, 2020


Born in Dublin, Aoileann Banks (she/her) graduated from Trinity College with a degree in Computer Science, Linguistics and French. Not feeling the passion to remain in that field, she tried her hand at accounting and consulting and spent four years at KPMG. Following two years volunteering and traveling the world, Aoileann returned to Ireland to work with Google. Bringing her Computer Science and finance background to the fore, she found a company culture where her broad talents could be put to good use.

1. Where’s your hometown?


2. How did you get into STEM?

I studied Computer Science in undergrad. I went into university totally blind to what Computer Science was all about, following in the footsteps of my cool older brother who was a software engineer and neglecting to realize that the people besides me in class were literally OBSESSED with maths and computers — to the extent they were already programming their fridges to tell them when they were out of milk….or so it felt! I felt very much out of my depth at the start. :-(

3. What is a piece of advice that you have found especially useful?

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” (Gandhi)

4. What’s a challenge you’ve faced, and how did you deal with it?

I feel the biggest challenge I’ve faced is admitting I wasn’t on the right path, and being able to find the opportunity despite feeling lost. After university, I didn’t want to be a programmer, so I joined a graduate program to train as a chartered accountant and worked in tax; I learned both of these paths were NOT for me. I chose to make the most of both experiences, and to be honest, I gained so much insight of what I didn’t want to do. Ultimately, both ‘wrong paths’ merged to lead me to the happy path I’m on now, working in finance in a tech company.

5. What’s something you’ve done that you’re really proud of?

I’m most proud of simply being a good role model. The responsibility of being a parent weighs heavily on me sometimes, as I continuously question myself and wonder what the impact of my decisions will be on my children in the future. I try to be a model for my girl and two boys, showing them the importance of working hard, being kind, having balance in your life, and living with positive attitude.

6. What is your favorite source of inspiration?

Inspiration is everywhere! Literally anywhere you look you can find ideas for things that work in one realm that could be adapted to another. Being present, mindful, and living IN the moment can help us make sure we’re open to seeing this inspiration around us.

7. What is your favorite movie?

Cinema Paradiso.

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Women of Silicon Docks

Telling the stories of resilient women & genderqueer techies, especially those of color.