5 Questions with Aysegul Uysal

Safety Investigator, Facebook

Women of Silicon Valley
Women of Silicon Docks
2 min readMar 16, 2020


Aysegul Uysal (she/her) is a Safety Investigator for Dangerous Orgs and Individuals team at Facebook Ireland. After studying Political Science and Statistics as an undergrad and Middle Eastern Studies as a grad student at the University of Chicago, she developed a passion for studying, understanding and fighting violent extremism and related security threats.

Before moving to the tech industry, she gained experience in academia and international organizations such as NATO PA. Outside of her work, Aysegul loves knitting, traveling, and listening to podcasts.

1. Where’s your hometown?

I am originally from Bursa, Turkey. It is only 2 hours away from Istanbul and known for its famous Iskender Kebab.

2. How did you get into STEM?

I moved into STEM after realizing the nexus between academic work and the real-world impact that the tech industry offers. Facing new challenges, exploring uncharted areas, and attempting to solve issues that could potentially affect many people’s lives energize me to bring my best to my job every day.

3. What is a piece of advice that you have found especially useful?

The only thing that is constant is change. Learning how to adapt to change has helped me appreciate the strength behind resiliency and flexibility.

4. What’s a challenge you’ve faced, and how did you deal with it?

Finding my voice as a young, Turkish woman has not always been the easiest — especially moving to many different countries, navigating different cultures, and making myself a space of my own. I have leaned on many amazing mentors to advocate for me when I could not, and to empower me when I felt lost. I was very lucky to encounter these mentors, and I strive to do the same for other people who share similar experiences.

5. What’s something you’ve done that you’re really proud of?

Learning how to knit! I started knitting about a year ago, when I moved to Dublin. I recently knitted my very first sweater and am feeling very proud of it!

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