8 Questions with Coral Movasseli

Rebel, Girls in Tech, Inc.

Women of Silicon Valley
Women of Silicon Docks
2 min readMar 10, 2020


Coral Movasseli (she/her) is the Managing Director of Girls in Tech Dublin, the largest dedicated platform for women in STEM and entrepreneurs in Ireland.

She created Girls in Tech Dublin, because she believes greater inclusivity & diversity in STEM is the path to alleviating inequality. She understands the importance of encouraging women to study STEM all too well. As a child, she taught herself to code but felt discouraged to pursue Computer Science academically.

Coral is passionate about making an impact in the world. She started her career en route to becoming a Canadian diplomat with the Federal government of Canada. She later went on to advise private equity funds in London and worked as an Innovation Lead at Accenture’s Global Innovation Lab helping large multinationals by leading Design Thinking digital strategies. Amidst it all, she also co-founded a digital mobile transit app for the Toronto market.

Coral is a Hansard scholar from the London School of Economics, where she holds a Master’s of Science, conducting rigorous research in the social sciences. She graduated Cum Laude with an Honours Bachelor of Science from the University of Ottawa.

She is the proud recipient of the 2019 Women in IT Awards, as Advocate of the Year and the Irish Women’s Award — Women of Influence (2020).

1. Where’s your hometown?


2. How did you get into STEM?

As a child, we had one household computer, and I got curious to know how it worked.

3. What is a piece of advice that you have found especially useful?

Be firm, fair, and friendly. The three F’s are a good guideline when you’re stuck on how to approach someone.

4. What’s a challenge you’ve faced, and how did you deal with it?

Saying no to people hasn’t come easily for me in business. It’s difficult, especially if you need someone’s help or money. But you have to be willing to say no and walk away. You’ll be better for it. I’ve learned this the hard way.

5. What’s something you’ve done that you’re really proud of?

I’m really proud of the permaculture food forest I created from scratch in my backyard. It’s a thriving ecosystem now that houses many insects and wildlife, such as birds and bees.

6. What are you most excited about right now, in or outside of STEM?

The momentum to solve climate change.

7. What is your favorite source of inspiration?

Nature. Nature always moves and adapts. It never stays put.

8. What is your favorite book or movie?

My favourite book right now is The Chimp Paradox.

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Women of Silicon Valley
Women of Silicon Docks

Telling the stories of resilient women & genderqueer techies, especially those of color.