New Women Writers Welcome!

Women Pride
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2023
Women Pride

I created “Women Pride” with the purpose of building a community where we support each other and share our stories. All from our female perspective, from our own voice.

We aim to consolidate all the topics that concern and move us into one place — a reflection of ourselves, a quest for equality, and a commitment to being more vocal about ingrained customs that still make us believe we should fit into certain “gender roles.”

We hope that on this place, you find your voice and a community of women who have plenty to say, who want their voices to be heard loud and clear.

To add you as a writer, you only need to:

  • Identify as female. Women and Transwomen are welcomed.
  • Follow our publication “Women Pride.”
  • Comment on this story by adding your Medium handle.
  • And that’s it.

What are we looking for?

Considering our intention to create a community centered around giving voice to women, before submitting your story, please check it includes the following:

  • Addresses a gender or feminist topic.
  • No “drafts” are required; you can add stories you’ve previously uploaded to your profile as “self-published.”
  • You story is a real, non-fiction story. Is presented from a personal and subjective point of view, possibly through an experience or an opinion. Personal essays and memoirs are our preference.
  • Is a story of no more than 6 minutes.
  • Ideally, does not contain more than 2 links, and if so, they should be used to cite texts that help substantiate the story.
  • Only one photo, preferably at the beginning of the story.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!



Women Pride

I tell stories of me and a friend of mine. WARNING!: Not all of my stories show my best version. Not all of them are politically correct.