#WomenTalking: What’s Your Story?

Know an exceptional woman — share her story!

STELLA YANN | Lightworker
Women Talking
3 min readJun 28, 2022


Illustration by Anna Żołnierowicz

When I started putting together the stories for Women Talking, I wanted to talk about the progress women make every day simply by being themselves. Unapologetically, sincerely, fiercely.

The events from the past week reminded me that we are a long way from complete equality, that our work’s not done yet.

As long as men continue to write the rules for women, there will be limited space for women to create their own stories.

A woman without full autonomy over her body and belief system is not free but enslaved to a system that chooses power over humanity.

But together we can change the narrative.

I am continuously inspired by the endless strength and courage of women around me, even when they try to hide it behind a humble façade.

But here’s the thing. Our light shines the brightest precisely when we, as women, are trying to light the way for others to shine.

I say – it’s time for us to shine.

Where do we start?

With the female voices who are inspiring the world.

With the women who are speaking up and speaking their truth.

With the female spirits who are making a difference.

With the women who are leading the change today.

So if there is a woman in your life that inspires you and motivates you to be a better version of yourself, whether that’s a politician, a designer or a writer, a CEO or an assistant, the chef at a local bakery or your own mother, share her story with the world.

👉🏻 Fill this form to start writing for Women Talking

Illustration by Minkyung

Submission guidelines

Here are a couple submission guidelines to help you with your story:

  • 👍 Once you have been added as a writer to Women Talking, you will be able to submit your story.
  • 💃 Try to capture the essence of your heroine with as many details as possible. Better yet — if you can, why don’t you interview her directly!
  • 💬 If you are writing about someone who’s a little bit more high profile, think about including quotes that showcase their knowledge, qualities, views and/or skills.
  • 📸 Make sure to include a cover photo. If you’re struggling to find a good image, leave a note at the end of the story & I’ll add it for you.
  • 🔗 If there are any relevant links to website or social media, don’t hesitate to include them.
  • 🔓 Don’t forget to ask for consent if you’re writing about a friend or a family member.

Let’s change the narrative, one story of female empowerement at a time! 💃🏻



STELLA YANN | Lightworker
Women Talking

NO ONE KNOWS ME: Inner Child Book (www.stellayann.com/noonebook) Join me for Authenticity, Purpose, Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, Leadership, New Earth 🌍✨