The Online Safety Tools for Women

Aaliya Ali
Women Techmakers Nagpur
3 min readAug 12, 2020

Technology has made our lives so easy in countless ways, be it instant fund transfers, e-learning, the internet of things or social media that we all use. We can hardly imagine a day without technology. It has somehow became the oxygen to our lives. However, every coin has two sides and similarly, internet can be misused to defame and harm others. Every woman has felt insecure at least once in her life and in today’s world, where 90% of the communications take place online, the probability of being abused online is even higher. So, how do you ensure that you can continue using social media while staying safe from online violence? Here’s How:

The Online Safety Kit for Women

Every woman needs to know how to identify an abuse and the different forms it can take. Let us first look at the different ways in which violence can occur online:

1. Catfishing: This involves the use of fake profiles and hidden identities in order to lure someone into a relationship.

2. Surveillance: Activities that involve monitoring or stalking the victim with the help of technology fall under this category.

3. Mobbing: A group of people targeting a particular person and making them a victim by bullying them collectively online.

4. Doxxing: This is an act of revelation of the victim’s personal information in order to create a sense of fear and panic in the victim.

5. Bombing: This follows from impersonation. An abuser may manipulate and optimise search results in such a way that searching for the victim online results in fake and defamatory information being shown at the top.

These were some of the tactics that can be used by an abuser. There can be other tactics as well although the primary motive remains the same. We must face such situations boldly.

So, what can you do if you face an abuse online?

Step 1. Collect proofs.

Step 2. Report and block the abuser.

Step 3. Seek help from your loved ones.

Step 4. File an FIR at a local police station (the police can’t deny you) or cyber cell.

Step 5. Complaint on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal.

Step 6. Report online to the CERT-IN about cyber attacks.

Online violence can affect the victim mentally and can lead to giving up social media completely, stress, panic, depression, and eventually suicide. In order to stay safe online, it is necessary for all women to take precautionary measures to avoid online violence. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Don’t share your personal information (like address, mobile number, or email) publicly. Share them with only those you trust.

2. Use strong passwords and reset them frequently. Use two-step authentication for enhanced security.

3. Use a VPN. VPN’s hide your IP Address and real-time location by tunnelling your internet through a third party server.

4. Be aware of laws and your rights.

5. And finally, don’t hesitate to take action.

If we need more women in technology, we must ensure that women are safer online. We must come together and find solutions for this problem. Be Strong, Stay Alert and Stay Safe!

If you want to know more about women online safety or interested in attending a workshop, please write a mail to us at



Aaliya Ali
Women Techmakers Nagpur

Learner | Flutter Developer | Core Team Member DSC GHRCE