The Unconventional Path: Maybe or Maybe Not!

Women Techmakers Nagpur
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

A few days back, many techies rejoiced in the news of the appointment of the new CEO of Twitter — Mr. Parag Agrawal, the previous CTO of the company. Well, some took pride in this feat because of his nationality; others like me took pride in that he achieved something considered unconventional (maybe) for the route he took.

image source: NCR news

Parag did his undergraduate in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay, going on to pursue a PhD in the same field at Stanford University, working on database management systems under Prof. Jennifer Widom. For enthusiasts in this field, feel free to explore his google scholar page filled with publications from his work at Stanford University. While I do not have the expertise to comment on how his work might have helped him get research positions at Microsoft Research and Yahoo Research leading to becoming Chief Technology Officer at Twitter, nonetheless, I am amazed and inspired by his journey.

He showed that there are paths, maybe or maybe not conventional, for young graduate students to pursue after completing their PhD against the general opinion that PhD is for the professorship. Sure, that is one of the future careers, but it is not the sole option.

image source: ITPro


Through this article, I would like to highlight some of the points for undergraduate students, especially those who do not know much about direct PhD. They can take advantage of these points and contemplate what they wish to do and the various options as it is during undergraduate you can do so much more. I have realized these, and soon you will too.

Direct PhD after B.Tech

PhD is the journey to a solution for a question unique to you. The direct PhD program in the USA is a commendable opportunity to pursue research after completing an undergraduate program. The university’s curriculum is such that it provides a chance to do original research and develop diverse skills by engaging in independent work, writing dissertation, guiding undergrads, assisting professors, and collaborating within cohorts & worldwide that can be transferable to many roles.

It is of the common notion that if someone is interested in pursuing research, they should do a Master’s before embarking on the way towards a PhD. I want to mention here that at least universities in the US (many to be correct) allow direct admission of undergraduate students from around the world into their PhD program. This may seem daunting for a young research enthusiast from an Indian engineering college (except maybe IIT), but it not necessarily be.

According to many US PhD programs admission criteria, a Master’s is not a prerequisite for PhD.

Some of the basic requirements include:

  1. Passion towards research. This can be demonstrated by working on research projects, having publications (not compulsory), presenting at conferences, or teaching.
  2. A decent GPA around 3.5 and for Indian students above 9 is safe.
  3. Having recommendations from people (professors preferably) with whom you have worked closely matters heavily in applications.
  4. Lastly and most importantly, having a solid reason for applying for a PhD would be your SOP’s main context.

On an end note, I would like to thank you for reading my attempt to spread awareness about direct PhD and clear some assumptions. I am a strong advocate for individuals who are genuinely passionate about research in any field and want to pursue it abroad to consider applying for PhD in the USA or other countries. The PhD programs often come with their funding which is generally not possible in the case of a Master’s, saving money and time and providing unparalleled exposure and experience. Do read carefully about funding before applying.

NOTE: Do not do PhD just for the sake of it. Unfortunately, It is not the next step. You will invest a lot of time in it with not much pay. The driving factor for most PhD students is their will to work on something they genuinely enjoy and are passionate about, gaining the ability and opportunity to pursue novel and independent research.

About Author:

I am an incoming doctoral student in the USA (Fall 2022), currently a senior undergraduate pursuing B.Tech at my university.

As a content writer at Women Techmakers, I believe it’s my responsibility to encourage and spread awareness among passionate young students regarding various opportunities to help them decide their future careers.

I hope you found this helpful! Please feel free to reach me via email, LinkedIn, or Twitter if you wish to know more. I plan to publish a more detailed blog about direct Ph.D. soon. I would be humbled if this blog could help anyone!



Women Techmakers Nagpur

student, aspiring chemical engineer, avid reader and writer, likes to travel and loves to read history.