4 Reasons You Need to Write About the Racism You See

Why do some of us find it so hard to use our voices, especially when it comes to race?

Christine Wolf
Women This Way


Photo by Umberto on Unsplash

I don’t need to tell you why we all need to work together to end racism, but if you’re here, you might be struggling with the ways to do it. And as a writer, you might be wrestling specifically with how best to use your voice to bring about change.

Who I Am To Tell YOU How To Write About Racism?

Here are the facts:

I’m a 52-year-old, White suburban woman living just outside of Chicago. I’ve been writing full-time for almost 2 decades, and just over two years on this platform. I’m in no way prolific or a writing “success”, but I’ve learned a lot about what works — and most importantly, what doesn’t. And as anyone will tell you, the #1 way you won’t succeed as a writer is by NOT WRITING.

This same philosophy applies to combatting racism. If we don’t engage, we cannot solve the problem. It really is that simple.

So why do some of us find it so hard to use our voices, especially when it comes to racism? Why do some remain silent despite a seething anger inside? What holds us back from speaking out? Before I tell you the 4 reasons you need to write about the…



Christine Wolf
Women This Way

Memoir Coach. Author. Journalist. Marathoner. Lover of emotions, words & spicy nachos. Grateful you’re here. Twitter/Insta @tinywolf1. www.christinewolf.com