How to Turn Loneliness Into Strength

The loneliness epidemic is real, and so is your ultimate superpower: CHANGE.

Christine Wolf
Women This Way


The Loneliness Epidemic Is Real

Surely you’ve heard about the scientific evidence showing that isolation, quarantines, lockdowns and social distancing can leave us feeling more than just secluded, alienated, empty or lonely. By now, you know these factors pose serious, long-term threats to both our physical and emotional health.

After all, we’re almost a year into a global pandemic, one steered by a rudderless administration blatantly ignoring the ongoing — and catastrophic — waves of concern and discontent. If you believe, as I do, that now, more than ever, we need meaningful connection with others, then, for God’s sake — please stand up, unmute your Zoom mic, and give me your loudest AMEN.

Common Thoughts When We Feel Lonely

Consider how many times you’ve experienced (or faced the thought of) being alone and questioned yourself.

“Am I a loser?”
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Do I suck?”
“Does anyone even care?”
“Do I repel people?”
“Am I weak?”
“Is there something wrong with me?”
“Maybe I don’t make good company?”
“Why does everyone else seem to have someone?”
“If people really wanted me…



Christine Wolf
Women This Way

Memoir Coach. Author. Journalist. Marathoner. Lover of emotions, words & spicy nachos. Grateful you’re here. Twitter/Insta @tinywolf1.