Welcome to our Network!

WWCode Barcelona
Women Who Code Barcelona
2 min readMar 2, 2020

Welcome to the medium page of Women Who Code Barcelona!

Women Who Code is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring career aged women to excel in technology careers.

The Barcelona network started in November 2016, and so far we have organized over 30 events and have+1200 members in our network!

Our first event was Saturday Nov 26th, 2016

We have been organizing events in Barcelona for the past three years and have loved meeting every single person that has come to one, spoken to one or helped us organize it.

Android Workshop we did back in 2018

For a while now we have been thinking of opening up a different way to reach out to the community, a way also for our amazing speakers to be recognized and a way to celebrate everyone that makes this network so incredible. And hopefully this page will help us, sometimes the directors will write about events and work we are doing, sometimes our speakers will write about their talks or subjects they are interested in and hopefully it’ll be a way for our community to stay connected online even after the event has passed.

2yr anniversary cupcakes!

So welcome to our Medium page 😄 give us a follow if you want to see what we have cooking for the next months and stay in touch!

Thanks for being part of this network 🤗

Berta, Mavi and Marina



WWCode Barcelona
Women Who Code Barcelona

WWCode Barcelona inspires women to excel in technology careers.