She Rocks Awards 2020 Announcement

Beth G
Women Who Code Belfast
2 min readNov 20, 2020
Women Who Code Belfast She Rocks Awards 2020

For the past four years, we — along with Puppet Belfast and Ladies that UX — celebrated our She Rocks Awards in style, bringing glitz and glamour to the Women Who Code Belfast community whilst applauding the achievements of the amazing women within it. This year has been incredibly hard for everyone, both mentally and physically, and with worldwide restrictions we had to move to an online event. The Women Who Code Belfast team have worked incredibly hard to make this event as fulfilling and enjoyable as previous years, but the timing of various lockdowns and limited spare time outside our day jobs, we don’t believe we can do the She Rocks Awards justice in this fashion. With that in mind, because we felt it wouldn’t be fair to hold an awards night without being able to be close to everyone — and applaud the winners in person — we are pivoting away from a webinar, to an asynchronous social media driven event, so please continue to nominate! It’s not all bad news — this decision means the announcement of the winners can be spread over a few days, meaning that we get to celebrate for longer during this cold and dark weather. We’ll be back with the awards night in full force when the pandemic is at an end — complete with celebratory Prosecco (and hopefully more incredible food from Eat Street Belfast). In the meantime; get nominating that amazing woman in your tech team — we’d love to hear from you!

We hope you all have a great break, and look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for more events in 2021.

Women Who Code Belfast Team



Beth G
Women Who Code Belfast

(she/her) Product Manager at Datadog, Director at Women Who Code, amateur Brazilian jujitsu player.