Women Who Code Data Science April Highlights

Naomi Freeman
Women Who Code Data Science
7 min readApr 1, 2021

This March we celebrated International Women’s Day with the #ChooseToChallenge theme.

In our Bytes & Brews monthly conversation session, we explored the idea of opportunity in challenges. From challenge comes change. This year we’ve all certainly been challenged, and changed.

This month I encourage you to celebrate exactly where you are in this moment. I heard from a lot of folks last month that things are still in the challenging part — and I invite you to be okay not being okay, if that’s what you need right now. Thank yourself for waking up and showing up. And maybe go outside and thank a tree or a flower for being wonderful. I promise it will make you feel a little silly, and then a little better.

With April comes better weather, more sun, the other side of all the pesky time changes, final exams, and a whole host of opportunities.

I am constantly inspired by learning about all the different ways women are harnessing their skills, their talents and their communities to create positive, impactful change from challenges, in their personal and professional lives, and in the industry and broader communities, from the city to national to global levels.

I am also constantly surprised at how quick we are to undersell and dismiss ourselves.

I invite you to grab a cup of tea, curl up with your device and take a look at the opportunities at Women Who Code this month! I sincerely hope we will see you at our events, in our blog, and at CONNECT 2021 soon :D

However tiny or little you feel the idea you have is, I’m almost certain it has a place to be shared and grown and nurtured in our community. We look forward to hearing from you!


April Events
Preview: May Events
Review: Statistics in Data Science workshop series
Call for Proposals: Speak at Women Who Code CONNECT 2021
Write for Women Who Code Data Science Blog

NEW Blog Post!

Please read and support Shaivya Kodan’s first blog post with Women Who Code Data Science: Sampling Bias!!!

Member of the Month!

Runjhun is a final year CS student at the University of Delhi, India. She also tutors students in C++ and Python. She became a WWCode Data Science Volunteer back in September 2020 and has gone above and beyond! Thank you for your significant contributions! #ApplaudHer

Join Us for These Upcoming April Events!

All events at Women Who Code are completely free of charge!

Fireside Chat: Habit, Balance and Passion in Data Science

with Rasha Salim, Omdena

📅 April 7, 12–1 p.m. EST

Event Description:

Join us for a Fireside chat with Rasha Salim!

Rasha will share tips on the most effective ways to learn Data Science and what she has learned to benefit other women to help them reach their full potential!

She is a mother and has a small business that she runs from home. She was looking for a job and found Data Science! She is now a lead Machine Learning Engineer and working on her second project with Omdena.

Rasha loves challenges and instead of fearing the challenge she welcomes them because she knows that in worst-case scenarios, she will learn valuable lessons coming out.

Click here to learn more about Rasha on LinkedIn

Register here: Sign up now

Exploring NLP Fuzzy Matching Algorithms

Madhurima Nath

📅 April 10, 9 -10 a.m. EST

Event Description:

Fuzzy matching algorithms are used to identify non-matched target items. For example, a fuzzy matched algorithm will find matches even when users have entered only partial words or even misspelled words.
Fuzzy matching is often used for spell-checks and can be used for de-duplication of records. Most commonly used algorithms for approximate string matching are Levenshtein distance algorithm, Bitmap algorithm, Damerau-Levenshtein distance algorithm and n-gram.

In this hands-on webinar, we will make use of these common algorithms in some helpful use cases that you can then use in your own work!

Register for the event: Sign up here

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

Instagram Live with Madhurima
click the screencap below to view the Instagram Live!

Women Who Code Data Science had a chance to chat with Madhurima after her talk in our Statistics in Data Science series! Follow the link through the image below to check it out on Instagram!


Bytes & Brews

📅 Tuesday, April 20th, 3 a.m. EST and 12 p.m. EST
There are 2 times available
so that you can register for the one that suits your timezone and work schedule best!

Register here:
Sign me up for the first session!

Sign me up for the second session!

Come out and meet and chat with Women Who Code community members!

Bytes & Brews is a social event, a relaxed space designed to give our community an opportunity to kickstart conversations and connections between members. Each session will have a kickoff question to get you started.

Join online before work or class to make new friends in the community, ask others for career advice, coding help, or mentoring.

Programming Robots in a Pandemic

Sonabayim Huseynzada
Learn more about Sonabayim on LinkedIn

📅 April 21, 12–1p.m. EST

Event Description:

Do you want to become a robotics programmer, but think it’s maybe too complicated — and, it’s the middle of a pandemic! Where on earth would you get a robot?

Day to day, the importance of robots in our life becomes more and more significant. Robotics field is connected to so many different information technology fields and engineering. Regardless of your current position or industry, programming robots is fun and fulfilling, whether you are a mobile application programmer, data scientist or designer, you can combine your current field with robotics!

In this session I will show you basic steps to start to program Pepper robot (as an example) from home. You can implement your solutions to robot just by sitting at home and with only an emulator to test it! The best part is that data scientist (or any other specialist) can easily apply outcomes to robots directly, without needing to go out and buy the robot itself!

Register here: Sign me up!

Coming Up in May: Preview

Data Science Lightning Talks Event

Mark your calendars!

📅 Sunday, May 2, 9–10p.m. EST

Women Who Code Data Science presents a double feature: 2 lightning talks, 1 event!

Register here: Sign me up!

Kirthikka Devi presents Design Thinking for AI and Kristine Petrosyan presents Image Recognition — using CNN networking and transfer learning to create image recognition for a variety of projects.

You don’t want to miss this one!

Check out all of our upcoming events at: womenwhocode.com/datascience/events

CFP (Call for Proposals): Women Who Code CONNECT 2021

Raise Your Voice

Do you have an idea for a talk, lighting talk, or technical workshop that would be perfect for Women Who Code’s next CONNECT conference, happening June 10th-11th? Submit your proposal at the link at the bottom of this page here by May 10th.

If you need support before submitting your proposal or want to improve your public speaking skills in general, you can participate and learn more about speaking at CONNECT in our ongoing CFP Speaker Series, as well as check out other related resources below!


CFP Speaker Series Session 1

Introduction to Public Speaking Workshop

Fundamental Presentation Skills for Engineers

Blog Posts:

Why You, Too, Should Speak at a Conference

Speaking Skills for Women in Leadership Positions

The Secret to Becoming a Better Programmer is Speaking


Statistics in Data Science: Workshop Series

Missed the Statistics in Data Science workshop series? You can catch all of the webinars on Women Who Code’s YouTube. Follow link below to access the series:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVcEZG2JPVhdSp4MGVTmLVCHlXfCpb0D W

Blog Posts:

Sneha Thanasekaran, one of our amazing Data Science Leads at Women Who Code, has also published some great blog posts expanding on the Statistics in Data Science series! Check them out here:

Exploratory Data Analysis

Probability Distributions: A Gentle Introduction

Statistical Comparison for 2 Groups: Binary Comparison

Data Science/AI Jobs on the WWCode Website

Interested in one of the following jobs? Just click the job image and it will take you to our Women Who Code Job Board posting!

Want to write for Women Who Code Data Science?

Writing for Women Who Code Data Science’s blog provides a great opportunity for you to share your experience and growing expertise. A great addition to a CV and to building your credentials as a programmer.

You can explore any technical topic you would like to.

We need:
1. Your Medium username
2. A topic you would like to write about

Submit your information here

If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to us at: datascience@womenwhocode.com

