You, Opportunities and Everything in Between!

Soumya Sharma
Women Who Code Delhi
5 min readJan 13, 2020

Hey, everyone!

We, at WWCode Delhi, are super excited to share with you all the glimpses of one of our most memorable event, ‘You, Opportunities And Everything in Between’ held at Google Gurgaon, this Saturday.

‘You, Opportunities and Everything’ event at Google Gurgaon
The attendees, speakers and WWCD team at Google Gurgaon on 11th January 2020

The event began with an introduction to the WWCD community and its vision, by Mansi Breja. She briefed us all about the low numbers and ratios of women in technology and the importance of communities in bringing more women to the STEM field.

Then we had a brief Mentorship Program Open House, wherein Pallavi Bishnoi, very enthusiastically, introduced Mentorship Program 2.0 and invited each mentor to introduce themselves.

Open Source Opportunities

Following this, we had a panel discussion about Open Source Opportunities hosted by Stuti Verma, one of the WWCD Directors. The panellists included Isha Gupta, who cleared GSoC’19 at Public Lab; Lavanya Gaur, who cleared GSoC’19 at JBoss and Akshita Aggarwal, RGSoC’18 scholar at Probot. They discussed what keeps them motivated to contribute to Open Source and what road blockers they faced during the entire program period. The panellists also shared the tips to grab such opportunities, throwing light on the application procedure. Our audience found the discussion informative and enlightening.

Panel Discussion on Open Source Opportunities

To bring some waves of laughter among the audience, the WWCD team hosted a fun event-cum-tournament, ‘Join my Train’ and explained the rules of the game and gave a demo. While some attendees participated in the activity, the others cheered for the probable winner. The winner was given cool WWCD schwags at the end of the event for the same.

Fun event

Scholarship and Retreat Opportunities

Then came the group talk about Scholarship and Retreat Opportunities! The house was full of scholarship recipients, Stuti and Swati Singh, Facebook F8 scholars, Lavanya and Shreya, Google Women Techmakers Scholars and Parul Aggarwal, Brihi Joshi and Khyati were Grace Hopper Conference India scholars. The recipients talked about the application timelines of respective scholarships, the procedure of application and the key takeaways from their experience. They all encouraged everyone to apply for scholarship opportunities.

Stuti Verma and Swati Singh sharing their Facebook F8 experience.
Lavanya Gaur and Shreya Gupta sharing their WTM scholarship experience.
Khyati, Parul and Brihi sharing their GHCI scholarship experience.

Next, the attendees grabbed lunch and networked among themselves.

Internship Opportunities

Moving forward with the event, we had Internship Opportunities which included industrial internships, short term and long term research internship and internship in the Government sector. For this session, we invited Jap Leen, Muskan Hussain, Mansi, Shreya and Brihi to share their internship experiences and guide the audience for the same.

Jap Leen, who had been Google STEP intern, briefed the attendees about this amazing opportunity and its perks. She also talked about how to build one’s profile and how she prepared for the coding interviews. She also shared her enriching and fun experience interning at Google.

Muskan, who did her internship at Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under Government of India shared a lot of Government opportunities available for college students like NITI Aayog and Digital India Internship Scheme. She also explained the application requirements, eligibility criteria and selection process with some snapshots of her experience. She concluded her talk with the pros and cons of doing an internship in a government firm.

Mansi, who interned at Goldman Sachs explained its application process and her detailed interview experience. She shared her preparation strategy and final tips and tricks for the interview. She also described the work culture and the flat hierarchy at Goldman Sachs.

Shreya discussed in great detail about her short term research internship at IPAM, UCLA and how did she prepare for it. In her talk, she has emphasised on developing a research profile and maintaining a really good CGPA to outshine the competition. She shared with us lots of snapshots of all her outings, must-visit places, cafes and how she taught her fellow mates volleyball.

Last but not least, Brihi, who had completed her Long term research internship at Snap Inc. explained the application and interview process. She also shared why did she choose Snap how she managed her college and internship together by extending her degree.

Jap Leen, briefing about her Google STEP intern experience.
Muskan Hussain sharing her internship experience at MeitY, Government of India.
Mansi Breja, briefing about her on-campus Goldman Sachs internship.
Shreya Gupta, sharing her experience as a research intern at IPAM, UCLA.
Brihi Joshi sharing her research internship experience at Snap Inc.

Finally, we officially launched The Mentorship Program 2.0. Pallavi and Jap Leen briefed the audience about all the details, the agenda, the mentors, the importance of a mentor in shaping the career curve of a mentee and finally opened the registrations for mentees on all our social media platforms, encouraging everyone to apply.

Pallavi and Jap Leen officially launching The Mentorship Program 2.0

To sum up the event, Stuti delivered a vote of thanks to all of the attendees, speakers, Saurabh Rajpal from Google team, Samraj for the amazing posters and our super active volunteers Akanksha, Kamalpreet, Shruti and Soumya for helping us throughout the event. This event wouldn’t have been this grand without the hard work and efforts of everyone. Thank you!

PS: Apply here to be a mentee for the Mentorship Program 2.0 and follow this for slides of this event.

