JMeter and Taurus Training (3/3)

Melissa Huerta Dev
WomenWhoCode Silicon Valley
3 min readNov 6, 2020

During August, Rachna Bafna, Sr. Performance Engineer, led 10 training sessions in which she spoke about Load Testing & Performance Engineering using JMeter and Taurus tools, in this article we’ll cover the last part, session 7 to session 10.

In previous sessions, HTTP requests, CSV Dataset parameterization and correlation were covered. If you haven’t read about it, check this article first.

Now we will learn how to run a test in non-terminal mode, generate the HTML report.

Let’s see some of the properties of a yml file before we deep in more.

👩🏽‍💻 Activity: Run a `yml` test in the CLI (command line interface)

☞ First, create a file with the extension yml and copy the structure from this site. We are going to execute this file so it runs the jmx created in previous exercises.

JMeter `yml` structure

☞ Then, modify the scenarios part, add the line script: path_of_your_jmx/file.jmx

☞ Execute the file: bzt name_of_file.yml Taurus will display a screen with results and then you will get a summary of the test at the end of it.

JMeter UI Stats (activity)
JMeter summary report (activity)

When the test is finished, it will create an artifact directory.

JMeter artifacts output

> artifact directory: contains the log, errors.

👩🏽‍💻 Activity: Run a `yml` test in non-terminal mode.

☞ Execute the jmeter script, the one with he jmz extension and use this command sh meters -n -t /path_of_the_file/dile.jmx

> the -n option is for non-terminal mode, it will display the same results but in a less fancy way.

JMeter results from non-terminal execution

👩🏽‍💻 Generate a report through CLI

You can check how to generate some reports in here, for this activiy we will create one.

☞ First, create a report from a log file by running this commandsh -g <log file> -o <path_output_folder>

Command for creating a report.

☞ Then, access to the folder <path_output_folder>, you will see that you have differents files exported, display index.html file in your browser 🎉

List of files obtained after running

☞ Finally, display index.html file in your browser 🎉

index.html (report obtained)

Please, check the explanation of each chart of the report in here.

Monitoring 🕵🏽‍♀️

Performance have important aspects as Performance Testing & Monitoring resources, in previous sessions performance testing was covered, in the last session Rachna walks through tools and tips for monitoring.

For monitoring is important to put together:

  • What is the operating system that the app to test is running against.
  • Tech stack that is used for the application.
  • Monitoring tools.

Sysstat package is a monitoring tool that can allow you to collect all the data in one place.

‘This blog is a summary of a serie of event sessions run by the WomenWhoCode Silicon Valley on July 28, 2020. You can view the recording of the event below.

JMeter and Taurus Training Sessions by Rachna Bafna

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