Women Who Code
Women Who Code
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2015


By Women Who Code

“I truly believe that coding is one of the best skills you can learn. With technology becoming increasingly fundamental in businesses, nearly every professional can benefit from understanding how it works. And for people who choose to be coders: there is so much potential, so many opportunities.”

By Gayle McDowell, Author, Consultant & WWCode Advisor to the WWCode community

Subscribe here.

Galvanize Full-Scholarship in SF

We are excited to announce that gSchool is offering a second full-scholarship for WWCode members to attend their 24-week immersive web dev course. Apply here.

Women in Tech

Our CEO Alaina Percival spoke withTechRepublic about keeping women in the tech industry, growing a startup into a nonprofit, and learning new tech skills.

Employment Opportunities

Vevowant to develop features that will reach millions of music video fans? Apply here for Front End Engineer positions.

TinyhoodWe’re building stronger communities for parents. Founded by female engineers, we’re looking to grow our tech team. Apply here.

GirlsWhoCodeLove coding? Think teaching is fun? Empower girls in tech this summer! Apply here for Teacher and TA positions.

AutomatticWe make the web better for more than a billion people each month! Contact us forCode Wrangler & Happiness Engineer positions.

Pro Tip

When designing software, remember to think about the real world outcome. What will someone be able to do and create after using your app? Read more from Sarah Allen.

Applaud Her

WWCode SF member Marguerite Desko accepted a position as a Software Engineer at Bigcommerce.

WWCode Waterloo member Alexandra Sutherland was accepted to Square’s code camp in San Francisco.

WWCode Austin members Genieva Croley and Valeria Khislavsky won 2nd place at ProtoHack for their roommate search app, Reach.

WWCode Seattle member Jodi Parker accepted her first technical position at Edge Theory.

WWCode SF member Alexandra Zatarain co-founded and launched her startup Luna

Community Reflection

Tell us how code has influenced your life.

Zoe is a full-stack software developer for SocialChorus and a director of WWCode SF. She commonly utilizes hexagonal Rails, Ruby, Backbone, Javascript, & OOCSS. Read more.

Technical Conferences & Events

• FREE TICKET: Feb 6–12: SF, CA: GirlDevWeek, enter to win
• FREE TICKET: Feb 19–21: Bangalore, India: Go Conference, enter to win

• Feb 5: SF: Mobile Growth Summit, 75% w/code “ValleyAngels”
• Seattle, WA: Feb 6–8: Hack Housing: Empowering Smarter Decisions, Hackathon
• Feb 6: Paris: dotSwift, 50% w/code “WWCODE
• Feb 6–8: Boston, MA: Hack MS
• Feb 7: Los Angeles, CA: Android TV Hackathon
• Feb 7–8: Sydney, AUS: Masters of Code, 50% w/code “WWCSYD”
• Feb 8–11: Austin, TX: The SharePoint Conference $200 off w/code “SHAREPOINT”
• Feb 12: Seattle, WA: App Strategy Workshop free w/code “MeetupSEA” register here
• Feb 13–15: Dublin, Belfast: Hack Make The Bank
• Feb 20: SF, CA: Meta Augmented Reality Hackathon
• Feb 26 — Mar 1st: SF, CA: Lesbians Who Tech 2015 25% off w/code “LWTWWCODE”
• Feb 27 — Mar 1: SF, CA: Launch Hackathon
• Feb28 — Mar 1: Santa Clara, CA: BattleHack, register here free
• Mar 4: Atlanta, GA: Startup Riot$10 off w/code “womenwhocode”
• Mar 9–13: Provo, UT (&online): React.JS bootcamp, attend in person or online
• Mar 9–11: Santa Clara, CA: Wearables TechCon $200 off w/code “WEARIT”
• Mar 13: Bath, UK: Bath Ruby, 20% discount w. code “WOMENWHOCODE”
• Mar 13–15: Austin, TX: SXSW Gaming at SXSW Interactive, Free
• Mar 19: London, UK: Pipeline, 10% off w/code “WOMENWHOCODE”, here
• Apr 26–28: Boston, MA: Big Data TechCon, $200 off w/code BIGDATA
• July 31 — Aug 1: Hong Kong: RISE Conf
• Twitter Flock, Series of Events, apply
• Twitter Hatch, Startup Competition, details

Call for Speakers & Volunteers:

• Feb 17: London, UK: Devoxx deadline to submit proposals. Conf. date: June 17–19
• Feb 20: San Francisco: Signal by Twilio deadline to submit proposals. Conf. date: May 19–20
• Feb 27: Los Angeles: Drupal, deadline to submit proposals. Conf. date: May 11–15
• Mar 18: Wales, Cardiff: DJangoCon, deadline to submit proposals. Conf. date: May 31 — June 5
• SF: Speaker on working as a developer for a local high school, contact Lee
• Encourage 4th grade girls to code via Skype on Monday mornings (8:10–9am EST), contact Jane
• Million Women Mentors program and pledge to be a mentor for just 20 hours sign up.

view networks: https://www.womenwhocode.com/networks

Originally published at us7.campaign-archive1.com.



Women Who Code
Women Who Code

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. https://www.womenwhocode.com/