Childcare at WWGSD

i love morning cake
Women Who Get Shit Done NZ
3 min readJul 27, 2017

Being a parent is messy, busy, and rewarding. It’s also an obstacle for many women who wish to attend events. We think it’s unfair to place the responsibility and cost of childcare on mothers who want to take part in WWGSD, and recognise that it has the potential to prevent many from being able to attend.

Providing free childcare is a cornerstone of WWGSD. We are grateful to our childcare team for the enormous amount of work put into organising this aspect of the weekend, and appreciate the feedback received from the women who have trusted us with the care of their children. Every attendee has the opportunity to use our childcare services, at no additional cost.

WWGSD childcare provides:

  • Accommodation at the venue close to other parents and children
  • Meals according to dietary requirements
  • Care of your children from 8am — 8pm
  • Games and activities catered to the age of attending children.

All at no additional cost to parents. This is why our scholarship and sponsorship supporters are so important — your extra funds help us ensure we have plenty of fun activities and sufficient minders on hand for all attending children. Our heartfelt thanks go out to our wonderful sponsors who enable us to provide this service.

You can expect from us:

  • Questions regarding your child’s dietary and medical needs, and daily schedule and sleep preferences
  • An advance copy of the weekend childcare schedule so you and your kid(s) know what to expect
  • Ongoing communication and direct contact with our lead childcare provider.
  • The ability to check in (or join in!) with your kids at any time during the weekend

All our team have St John’s First Aid Certificates, Plunket certificates, and experience with children from newborn to 14 years (experienced gained as babysitters, nannies, education providers, and event organisers).

As the event evolves and grows, we are given the opportunity to learn and continue to improve. Further key points we have developed over the last year are:

  1. Childcare is provided in order for the parents of children present to enjoy and participate as fully as possible.
  2. We recognise not all parents are biologically related to their children; families are complex and interesting and each one is unique. Everyone working in the childcare environment and present at the event will be respectful and sensitive to differences.
  3. Communication is key. Our core childcare team will have direct and open contact with parents attending with children in the lead up to and during the event.
  4. Childcare minders work within their own limitations. With the additional help of volunteers, we make sure everyone has the support they need and back-up is available if and when required.
  5. If children leave the main childcare area a core carer will be present during the expedition at all times and relevant contact information will be carried with the group.

Nicola Patrick made use of childcare at our first event, and wrote about it for her NZ Herald column:

‘As soon as they woke up in the morning, my boys were demanding to get back to the “kids club” and have more fun. […] I loved not having to completely compartmentalise my life to be involved.’

Participation in events shouldn’t exclude parents, regardless of the topic or field. At WWGSD we want to make it as easy as possible for women with families to take part, and providing free childcare is central to that. If you’re feeling hesitant about applying because of the logistics being a parent brings, we wish to put your mind at ease. Should you have any questions at all about our childcare offering, send them our way.

Registration of interest for our Wellington event (5–7 October 2018) closes on 26 August.



i love morning cake
Women Who Get Shit Done NZ

yarn pusher (Holland Road Yarn Co /@knitsch), crowdfunding enabler @PledgeMe, event helper @Webstock. Jack of all trades, master of some.