Tanvi Shah — The Dreamer and The Doer

Women Who Inspire Us!
5 min readSep 27, 2020

Hello folks!

It’s Sunday and it’s time to meet one of our wonder women: Tanvi Shah!

The Journey!

I am just one of you with a lot of dreams. I am from the Batch-of-2020 completing my B.Tech and internship in this pandemic. Remember, age is never a limit. I am a part of Google Developer Group Baroda and a core-team member of Women TechMakers Baroda.

I contribute to open source — Hacktoberfest, actively participates in courses like Google Cloud Platforms, local guide on Google Maps — Level 6, author of final year research paper- International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, tech/non-tech blogger and speaker. Lastly, I have been a speaker for an international event bridging the gap between engineers and clinicians & it goes on.

She must have really good time management skills. Am I right?

Kudos to you, Tanvi, for achieving so much at such a young age. We can’t wait for you to achieve the rest of your dreams.

The Kickstart!

My native place is Kachchh and I did my college from Baroda. I actually don’t have any work experience right now but I did try many things during my 4 years of college. Seizing the opportunity is my key to success. In the beginning, I might not know what to do but accepting opportunities and challenging myself has really helped me.

Community is where I got my unique identity and understood the power of networking and it has been quite a journey since November 2017 with GDG Baroda. In my first meetup, I had no idea what I was doing there. But, it’s a long journey from being an attendee → contributor → core-team member → tech and non-tech speaker.

Later I connected with GDG Ahmedabad, GDG Gandhinagar, and also Angular India. It just grew bigger and bigger with time.

A community is a place where you learn and give back. There are a lot of amazing people out there helping you to be better. Recently, I have been part of the WTM India Summit 2020 and Fem Tech Conference that happened a few days back. These all are related to encouraging women in tech. I wish we could support each other and grow more.

Yes! Definitely. Being part of the right communities is just what we need in terms of exposure and broadening our horizons. And you definitely are on the right path. We look forward to some of the insights from the FemTech Conference from you, definitely.

The Inspiration!

Basically, it’s all about Interest. If I love my work, I may get low at times but I won’t quit. And we as engineers are good at many things which are not limited to our profession. It’s okay to learn new things daily even if it is not related to what you actually do.

The Vision!

Vision, that takes me back to school days where it was frequently asked! We recently got changes in our education system and I wish that helps our youth in a better way.

Beti bachao, Beti padhao’ Then, why not let her continue with her career? Why aren’t more women in tech? I really believe when we are getting general as well as special platforms for women, we should realize their worth and use them as stepping stones to achieve bigger things! We should always try to find a better version of ourselves.

We definitely agree. With so many opportunities up for grabs and platforms getting open for women in tech and otherwise, we can at least try and become better versions of ourselves and achieve what we’ve long dreamed of!

Who or what inspired her to start her journey!

Knowingly or unknowingly, the community played a big role to start, support, and enhance my journey. I am a person who constantly tries to improve myself by pushing my boundaries.

Honestly, Prajakta Koli (YouTuber) inspires me on a daily basis even if our profession is not connected. She inspires me to be creative, immersed, weird, and influencer. Anyone can be an inspiration, it’s just about the positive vibes.

The simple pleasures she enjoys!

Being back home and spending time with family is the best thing. Travelling and dancing are what I am always ready for! Reading novels is also much fun.

Before we sign off, here’s her message to young girls/women trying to achieve their dreams against all odds:

I recently watched a movie called Kung Fu Panda and it says “There is no special ingredient in anything. We just have to believe that it’s special.”

It’s all about believing in ourselves and dedication towards achieving our dreams. Never compare your day 1 with day 100 of others. We should work firmly towards our goals and we will never know when we have achieved so much.

Our key takeaway:

It’s all about the community if you want to make a big difference. You receive 5x more of what you give out in the world. And never let your age define who you are and what you can achieve. If you believe, anything is possible.

Keep believing in the magic you can create and in no time, you will be the magic that this world needs.

That’s a wrap for this week! We will be back next week with another inspirational woman and her journey. Or maybe an inspirational man?👀

Till then let us know your key takeaways from Tanvi’s journey in the comment section or tweet to us at @romaamarnani and @hiralthaker12

Writer’s note: This story is written in collaboration with Hiral Thaker.

If you want to share your story with the world, reach out to us at inspireuswomenwho@gmail.com! We would love to learn and share your story and help you inspire others.

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram where we talk about more than empowerment and have a little fun as well!



Women Who Inspire Us!

Tech Writer, Content Marketer, Product Enthusiast, Management Student — IMT — I geek out about UI/UX, books, music, physics, cosmos, sci-fi!