S3 #6 Women Who Startup Radio, Kelly Hoey

Women Who Startup Radio, Season 3 Episode 6 with:
Kelly Hoey

Lizelle van Vuuren
Women Who Startup
2 min readOct 25, 2017


Kelly Hoey (@jkhoey) Investor, Limited Partner in multiple Venture Funds, Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker and all around fantastic leader among entrepreneurs, technologists, founders and investors. Kelly has a wealth of knowledge by working with entrepreneurs as an investor and now as an author and speaker. Kelly is totally tapped into the network effect and is an expert at “The Hyper Connected World”. Learn more about Kelly here. Grab a copy of her book, Build Your Dream Network here.

Listen now on: iTunes | SoundCloud | Stitcher

“Your best investment is a paying customer. Investors pay attention to startups making money and we’re really going to pay attention to those one’s.” Kelly Hoey

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Season 3 Notes

Co-hosts Lizelle van Vuuren and Krista Morgan take a really deep dive into telling the stories of innovative, adventurous, entrepreneurial women and investors in season 3.

A Big Thank You to our Women Who Startup Radio, Season 3 Team

Lizelle van Vuuren (@lizellevv), Founder of Women Who Startup, Women Who Startup Radio Co-Host, Director, Producer
Krista Morgan (@krismtl), Co-Founder and CEO of P2BInvestor, Women Who Startup Radio Co-Host, Sponsor
Luke Woodruff, Sound Engineer, The Cable Center

Season 3 Sponsors

P2Binvestor for being a sponsor of Women Who Startup and Women Who Startup Radio, Season 1, 2 and 3.
The Cable Center for being our location for season 3’s recording and audio engineering by Luke Woodruff.
MediaAMP at The Cable Center — thank you to Maria Popo for supporting our season 3 efforts.

About Women Who Startup Radio, a podcast

Women Who Startup has a purpose in writing women into history by providing a platform for women to share their stories, their entrepreneurial journeys and the adventures that come along the way. Women Who Startup Radio is our official podcast where we interview women who are entrepreneurial, innovative and adventurous to tell us their stories and share their journey’s. Women Who Startup Radio is co-hosted by Lizelle van Vuuren (@lizellevv), Founder and CEO of and Women Who Startup and Effectively Labs, and G. Krista Morgan (@krismtl), Co-founder and CEO of P2Binvestor, a crowdfunding platform for business lending, in Denver, Colorado.



Lizelle van Vuuren
Women Who Startup

Entrepreneur, Technologist, Marketer, Designer, Producer. Co-founderFounder @WomenWhoStartup.