Creating a Memorial

From the memories of a friend.

Nanci Arvizu
Women Writing Memoir


The Journey Journal. Created in memory of a friend whose journey came to an end way too soon. Photo by me.

In February 2019, I lost a friend. It’s so strange to say it even now, I lost a friend.

She wasn’t ‘just’ a friend, a casual acquaintance I’d see at the ladies' coffee group on Wednesday mornings.

No, she was the kind of friend who helped you take care of your animals and made sure you had someone to help you with excess wine when the wine fridge decided to die.

She was the friend who I asked to gather my journals when I died. Which was supposed to be before her, and a long time from now.

Instead, it was me gathering her journals when she died from an Epileptic seizure at 45 years old.

I was supposed to speak at her funeral. I even wrote something I’m proud of, to say goodbye to my friend. But in that moment, I didn’t.

I believe everything happens for a reason.

I wasn’t supposed to speak that day. Not speaking at her funeral put me on a mission to find out more about my friend and her connections to other people in the valley. Especially the people who offered their ranch for her service.

I discovered how much she was loved. I found out how she was putting her newly acquired Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology to work; helping people…

