Welcome to Women Writing Memoir

“Memoir is not for sissies”

Michelle Monet
Women Writing Memoir


“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” — Muriel Rukeyser

Welcome to Women Writing Memoir.

This is a safe group for women to support, encourage and empower each other through all stages of the Memoir Writing Process. Beginner to seasoned writers are welcomed.

I am a memoir writer with a half finished memoir. I started this publication because I saw a ‘niche’ that I felt needed to be filled on medium.

I thought it would be great to have a community of women memoir writers to support each other through the sometimes daunting process of memoir.


How to Submit

We welcome writers with little or much experience with memoir writing.

We welcome writers who are learning the craft of memoir or who wish to share their experiences about the memoir writing ‘process’.

Please review the below guidelines.

How to Submit a Story



Michelle Monet
Women Writing Memoir

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: 1020monet@gmail.com