Invite yourself to the party

Last week I wrote about invitations and why I think it is important to accept invitations that come your way. As women in the workplace we often experience that we don’t get an invitation. We are not invited to get promoted, we don’t get to go to that meeting, for drinks or play golf. We are not invited to the party. There are many different explanations for this and I will not talk about that specifically today.

What I want to share is my thoughts on how you can invite yourself to the party:-) I believe we should. We shouldn’t wait to be invited. We should say — “Hey, I want to come. I have a good idea for that project! I am a good golfer! I am well qualified for that position and I have ideas about how to move forward. Ideas I think will be really good for this company. I want equal pay as my male co-worker” Etc.

I am not saying that this is easy or not scary. It is! As humans we all fear rejection. We feel the fear. That is how is goes when we linger and start tap-dancing outside of our comfort zone. Self-promotion is simple. You say something nice about yourself that you know and believe is true. You set boundaries and get clear on your expectations. You share your thoughts and ideas. It is scary as hell the first few times you try. And that is okay. We, your kick ass sisters, have your back!

If you want to be in community with other kick ass women that want to invite themselves to the party and get comfortable with self-promotion, you can join the Forerunner Leadership Program here . We hope to see you there.

Until next time — do one badass thing you have put off because you were afraid to fail.



Women Forerunner Leadership
Women Forerunner Leadership

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