Rising strong and connect with your vulnerability!

Women Forerunner Leadership
Women Forerunner Leadership
3 min readApr 18, 2018

Today I feel the urge to share some insights I’m coming cross through my leadership journey. I can describe it as a cyclone with a lot of life cycles appearing in my current existence.
A lot of things are going through my body, mind and heart and there’s more to come! It’s fascinating and on the same time it’s scary too.
What I’d like about scariness is the beauty to let it go and this is honestly a precious stretch for me. By doing this I can bravely fail as a queen, connect with my vulnerability, recover smoothly & in an awkwardly way and
that’s ok too.

Besides the cyclone I’m also creating more lightness and I’m seeking to have more a Peter Pan kind of spirit presence in my life and that makes me smiling and give confidence in my heart.

Like I have been remembered Yesterday, Co-leadership is not about me;
it’s about US! It’s about my precious “co- colleague” and myself leading from different places in different spaces.
It’s about: connection, trust, lean in, being aligned, being tuned, clearing assumptions, creating boundaries, intuition, naming what we need from each other and from ourselves and much more…

What I learned about my last co-leadership is to stay grounded and connected like a solid rock further be prepared when un expecting behaviour is
co-created. To be aware of what triggers our values, remaining detached of those assumptions around those values and bringing our attention back to the present.

It’s crucial to share our own different “energy levels” during the co-leadership, this to prevent to activate our wildly “reptile brain” and loose our partner in the middle of our adventure by either withdrawing, fighting or by having a short circuit.

I learned to re-design the alliance whenever we needed and claim our space by naming what we need. I have been remembered to stay in the moment and keep connected with my co-leader whatever happened and improvise with the flow.

A re-direction of thoughts moved us from a low energy dynamic perspective to a more stable balanced flow. We did our best at that moment and succeed with our magnificent failures. I’m sending a lot of gratitude for those leanings to my co-leader partner.

Being vulnerable is being courage and reinforcing your values as a leader.
I will fiercely continue this path by being crystal clear and sharp with my words.

I strongly invite you to take the courage and to express your needs.
Your co-leader can be your colleague and it’s also your partner, colleague, your friend and much more.. On my side I keep reaching out for help to my co-leader Astrid , to the bluebirds, to the tombo and other leadership tribe friends to keep challenging me when it’s needed.

As Tolkien mentioned: “ Pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way, where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I can not say”…

We are happy to announce that “The Women Forerunner Leadership Programme” starts next week! It consists of 6 biweekly online modules where women will be part of a like-minded community of successful leaders who find new ways to step up to their own power.

This programme is special designed to give YOU the tools to learn, to connect and to interact with the other participants, this to forward the actions in your daily life. We still have 2 seats open. Don’t miss your chance! Click here to reserve your place to the programme!



Women Forerunner Leadership
Women Forerunner Leadership

This community is designed to guide you to your professional summit.