6 ways AI tools can help you with UX design deliverables

Sam Hamilton
Women in Technology
4 min readMar 3, 2023
A robot covered in paint and art supplies staring at an Apple computer and looking frazzled
Image made using MidJourney- an AI tool

Artificial intelligence (AI)- it’s all anyone is talking about right now. Its fascinating and terrifying at the same time. AI has also become an increasingly important tool in the design industry. It can help UX designers understand user needs, preferences, and behaviors, and create more personalized and engaging experiences. In this article, we will explore some ways AI can support the UX process.

1. User personas

AI can help create user personas by analyzing user data and behavior. AI algorithms can segment users based on various attributes such as demographics, behavior patterns, interests, and goals.

Some tools to try for creating personas:

  • IBM Watson Personality Insights: IBM Watson Personality Insights is a powerful AI tool that can analyze a user’s social media activity and create a personality profile. This tool can identify personality traits, values, and needs, which can help UX designers create more accurate user personas.
  • Crystal: Crystal is an AI tool that can analyze a user’s social media activity and generate a personality profile. This tool can identify communication styles, personality traits, and preferred messaging.
  • UXPressia: This is an AI tool that can help UX designers create user personas, customer journey maps, and user flow diagrams. This tool uses a drag-and-drop interface to create visual representations of user data.

2. Wireframes

AI can generate wireframes based on user data and requirements. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze user behavior and recommend layouts, content placement, and navigation.

Some tools to try for creating wireframes:

  • Sketch2Code: Sketch2Code is an AI-powered tool from Microsoft that can help UX designers convert hand-drawn sketches into HTML code. This tool uses computer vision and machine learning to recognize design elements and convert them into code.
  • Fluid UI: Fluid UI is an AI-powered tool that can help UX designers create wireframes and interactive prototypes. This tool uses machine learning to suggest design elements based on user input and preferences.
  • Adobe XD: Adobe XD is an AI-powered tool that can help UX designers create wireframes, prototypes, and design specs. This tool uses machine learning to suggest design elements based on user input and preferences.

3. Prototypes

AI can help create prototypes quickly by automating the design process. For example, AI algorithms can generate variations of designs based on user feedback and preferences.

Some tools to try for creating prototypes:

  • Proto.io: Proto.io is an AI-powered prototyping tool that can help UX designers create interactive prototypes. This tool uses machine learning to suggest design elements based on user input and preferences.
  • Principle: Principle is an AI-powered prototyping tool that can help UX designers create interactive prototypes with animations and transitions.
  • Axure RP: Axure RP is a tool that can help UX designers create interactive prototypes with animations and transitions. This tool also uses machine learning.

4. Style guides

AI can help create style guides by analyzing design trends and user preferences. AI algorithms can recommend color schemes, typography, iconography, and other design elements based on user data.

Some tools to try for creating style guides:

  • Frontify: Frontify is an AI-powered tool that can help designers create brand guidelines, including style guides. This tool uses machine learning to suggest design elements based on user input and preferences.
  • Canva: Canva is an AI-powered tool that can help designers create style guides. This tool uses machine learning to suggest design elements based on user input and preferences.
  • Zeplin: Zeplin is an AI-powered tool that can help designers create style guides and also share design work with external stakeholders. This tool uses machine learning to suggest design elements based on user input and preferences.

5. Content creation

AI can generate content such as headlines, taglines, and descriptions based on user data and behavior. AI algorithms can analyze user language and preferences to create more engaging and relevant content.

Some tools to try for creating content:

  • Grammarly: This is an AI-powered tool that can help content creators with grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. This tool uses machine learning to suggest corrections and improvements to content.
  • Acrolinx: An AI-powered tool that can help content creators with brand consistency, tone of voice, and content quality. This tool uses machine learning to suggest improvements to content based on a company’s style guide and branding.
  • ChatGPT: A very powerful tool backed by Microsoft that uses a chat-like interface to answer questions and fulfill requests from users. ChatGPT wrote most of this article, believe it or not.

6. A/B testing

AI can help with A/B testing by analyzing user behavior and predicting which design will perform better. AI algorithms can also recommend changes to the design based on user data to improve engagement and conversion rates.

  • Optimizely: Optimizely is an AI-powered A/B testing tool that is known for content, commerce and optimization. It can help researchers conduct A/B tests using machine learning to suggest improvements and changes.
  • VWO: VWO is an AI-powered A/B testing tool that can help businesses test different variations of their website or app to see which one performs better. This tool uses machine learning to suggest changes and improvements to optimize conversion rates.
  • Google Optimize: Google Optimize uses your existing Google Analytics site data to quickly and easily identify areas of your site that can be improved upon.

AI can assist UX designers in creating various design deliverables that range far beyond what’s listed here. By leveraging AI-powered tools, UX designers can create more engaging, personalized, and relevant experiences for users. However, it is essential to keep in mind that AI is not a replacement for human expertise but a tool that can assist UX designers in creating better experiences for users.



Sam Hamilton
Women in Technology

A Senior UX Designer with 10+ years of experience in the field. Sam has worked in Cybersecurity, Retail, Healthcare, and Government as a UX designer.