A Journey of 100 Followers: My Medium Adventure


Fatima Rafiq
Women in Technology
3 min readSep 14, 2023


Hey there, welcome back! I want to share a story with you, a story of excitement, disappointment, and hope. It’s the story of my journey on Medium, a platform where I found my voice as a writer. In just a short span of time, I managed to gather 100 followers, a milestone that filled me with joy.

However, this joy was bittersweet, as I soon discovered that the Medium Partner Program wasn’t yet available in my country. Let me take you through this rollercoaster of emotions.

The Beginning of My Writing Adventure

During the summer vacations, when most people were out exploring new adventures, I decided to embark on a different kind of journey — a journey into the world of writing on Medium. In the sunny month of June, I nervously hit the publish button on my first article. It was about a famous company, Forever Living Company, and I poured my heart and soul into it. Little did I know that this would mark the beginning of a beautiful writing adventure.

The Road to 100 Followers

With each new article, I learned more about the art of crafting engaging content. I explored different topics, connected with readers, and honed my skills as a writer. Slowly but surely, I started gaining followers. It was an incredible feeling to know that there were people out there who appreciated my work and found value in the words I put on the digital page. My follower count climbed steadily, and after two months of hard work, I reached the magical number — 100 followers!


The Heartbreak: The Medium Partner Program is Out of Reach

As I celebrated this milestone, my excitement was short-lived. The harsh reality hit me like a ton of bricks — the Medium Partner Program, the gateway to earning through my writing, wasn’t available in my country. It felt like my dreams were suddenly out of reach, and my heart ached with disappointment. I couldn’t help but wonder if all my efforts were in vain.

A Glimmer of Hope

But then, like a beacon of hope, my brother stepped in. He assured me that the Medium Partner Program would likely be available in our country by the end of the year. This simple reassurance rekindled the fire of determination within me. I realized that this journey was far from over; it was merely a pause in the narrative.

A Message to Fellow Writers

I know that there are countless other writers out there who share a similar story. You’ve poured your passion into your words, gathered followers, and dreamed of earning through your writing, only to face the harsh reality of geographical limitations. But I want to tell you to be courageous. Your time will come. The Medium Partner Program is expanding, and the world is becoming a smaller place. Soon, your country will be part of this incredible journey, and your words will have the chance to shine and earn their rightful place.

My journey on Medium has been a rollercoaster of emotions, from the thrill of reaching 100 followers to the disappointment of not having access to the Medium Partner Program. But I’m not giving up. I’m eagerly waiting for the day when my country joins the program, and until then, I’ll keep writing, keep growing, and keep believing in the power of words.

To all my fellow writers facing similar challenges, stay strong and keep the faith. Your writing journey is a story in the making, and the best chapters are yet to come.

At last, I want to thank you all who helped me achieve this target. Thank you very much!



Fatima Rafiq
Women in Technology

Fatima Rafiq: Experienced writer captivating readers with compelling words. Expertise in diverse topics. Join me on Medium for captivating and engaging content