An Introduction to Deep Learning

Rina Mondal
Women in Technology
7 min readJul 20, 2024

Deep learning, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), has profoundly transformed numerous industries over the past decade. We often hear about its’ impact.

However, what exactly is deep learning, and how does it work?

That’s precisely what we will explore in this blog and in subsequent posts.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning inspired by the human brain. It uses neural networks with many layers to identify patterns, make decisions, and predict outcomes.

However, machine learning already existed, so why was deep learning necessary? We will know.

This blog covers the following topics:
i. Timeline of Deep learning’s ascent
ii. Individuals who played pivotal roles in its development
iii. Differences between machine learning and Deep learning
iv. Reasons behind the increasing popularity of Deep Learning
v. Types of neural networks

Deep learning is not new; the concept emerged long ago but gained popularity later due to advancements in infrastructure and other factors.

1. Let’s first explore the history of deep learning:

1. 1950s-1980s: Foundations of Neural Networks
The concept of neural networks was introduced, inspired by the human brain’s structure. Early models like the Perceptron laid the groundwork.
1980s: Backpropagation, an algorithm for training neural networks, was popularized by Geoffrey Hinton, David Rumelhart, and Ronald J. Williams, marking a significant milestone.

2. 1990s-2000s: Slow Progress and the AI Winter
Despite initial excitement, progress in neural networks slowed due to limited computational power and insufficient data. The AI winter, a period of reduced funding and interest, dampened advancements.

The Turning Point: The 2010s

2012: The ImageNet Moment
AlexNet: The breakthrough moment came in 2012 when Geoffrey Hinton’s team, including Alex Krizhevsky and Ilya Sutskever, won the ImageNet competition. Their deep convolutional neural network, AlexNet, significantly outperformed traditional methods in image recognition, demonstrating Deep learning’s potential.

To learn about a brief history of artificial intelligence, click here.

Anyway, let’s explore some key personalities in the field of deep learning. Who are the major contributors in this field?

2. Key Personalities in this field:

1950s-1980s: Foundational Figures
1. Frank Rosenblatt (1957):
Developed the Perceptron, an early type of neural network. His work laid the groundwork for later neural network research. We will start reading Deep Learning with perceptron.

2. Geoffrey Hinton (1980s): Popularized the backpropagation algorithm, essential for training neural networks. His work revived interest in neural networks and deep learning.

1990s-2000s: Revival and Key Contributions
3. Yann LeCun (1989–1998):
Developed Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and applied them to digit recognition, which became a foundational technology for image processing.

4. Yoshua Bengio (1990s): Conducted pioneering research on deep learning and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). His work has been instrumental in advancing the field of natural language processing.

2010s: Breakthroughs and Popularization
5. Alex Krizhevsky (2012):
Along with Geoffrey Hinton and Ilya Sutskever, won the ImageNet competition with AlexNet, demonstrating the power of deep learning in image recognition.

6. Ilya Sutskever (2012): Co-authored the AlexNet paper and made significant contributions to various deep learning techniques, including sequence-to-sequence models.

7. Jeffrey Hinton (2012-Present): Continued his influential work in deep learning, contributing to advancements in neural network architectures and methods.

8. Demis Hassabis (2014-Present): Co-founder of DeepMind, which developed AlphaGo, the first AI to defeat a world champion in the game of Go. His work showcases the application of deep learning in complex problem-solving.

2020s: Continued Innovation
9. Jürgen Schmidhuber (2020s):
Known for his work on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, which have been crucial for understanding and processing sequences of data.

10. Andrej Karpathy (2020s): Known for his work in computer vision and deep learning at Tesla and OpenAI, he has made significant contributions to the development and application of deep learning models.

These individuals have played pivotal roles in shaping the field of deep learning, driving innovations, and expanding the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, but it differs in its use of complex neural networks with many layers to learn from data.

3. let’s explore the differences between machine learning and deep learning:

  1. Machine Learning Example: Predicting House Prices
    You have a dataset with features like the number of bedrooms, square footage, and location, and you want to predict house prices.
    Approach: Use a machine learning model like linear regression.
    — Collect data on houses (number of bedrooms, size, location, price).
    — Train the model to understand the relationship between these features and the price.
    — The model makes predictions based on the input features.
  2. Deep Learning Example: Recognizing Faces in Photos
    You want a system to recognize and label faces in photos.
    Approach: Use a deep learning model, specifically a convolutional neural network (CNN).
    — Collect a large dataset of labeled images (photos with identified faces).
    — Train the model to recognize patterns and features in the images.
    — The model learns to identify faces and can recognize faces in new photos.

Key Differences:

  1. Data Dependency:
    Machine Learning: Works well with fewer examples. Imagine you have 100 house listings to predict prices.
    Deep Learning: Needs lots of examples. Imagine you have thousands of photos to teach the system to recognize faces accurately.
  2. Hardware Dependency:
    Machine Learning:
    Can run on a regular computer. Predicting house prices is quick and doesn’t need much processing power.
    Deep Learning: Needs powerful computers or GPUs. Recognizing faces in photos requires more processing power.
  3. Training Time:
    Machine Learning:
    Quick to train. Training a house price prediction model might take a few minutes.
    Deep Learning: Takes longer to train. Training a face recognition system can take hours or days.
  4. Feature Selection:
    Machine Learning:
    You pick the important features (number of bedrooms, size, etc.).
    Deep Learning: The model automatically learns features (like identifying eyes, nose, and mouth from raw pixels).
  5. Interpretability:
    Machine Learning:
    Easier to understand why it makes certain predictions. You can see how each feature (e.g., size) affects house prices.
    Deep Learning: Harder to understand. It’s like a black box; you don’t see exactly how it recognizes faces.

Deep learning surged in popularity due to several key factors like rapid advancement in computational power, availability of large datasets, and breakthroughs in neural network architectures contributed to its widespread adoption.

4. Let’s explore the reasons behind the popularity of deep learning:

  1. Advancements in Computational Power, Moore’s Law: The exponential increase in computing power, as predicted by Moore’s Law, has been a significant factor. The development of powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) and tensor processing units (TPUs) enabled the training of large, complex neural networks. Companies like NVIDIA played a crucial role by producing hardware optimized for deep learning.
  2. Availability of Large Datasets: The digital age brought an explosion of data from social media, sensors, and other sources. Large datasets like ImageNet provided the necessary training material for deep learning models, enhancing their performance and accuracy.
  3. Improved Algorithms and Techniques: New neural network architectures, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image processing and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for sequence data, improved deep learning’s effectiveness across various tasks. Examples:
    Image Classification: ResNet, which introduced residual connections, allowing for the training of very deep networks.
    Text Classification: BERT, which leverages bidirectional training of transformer models to achieve state-of-the-art performance in natural language understanding.
    Image Segmentation: U-Net, designed for biomedical image segmentation.
    Object Detection: YOLO (You Only Look Once), which offers real-time object detection.
    Speech Generation: WaveNet, which produces highly realistic speech.
  4. Open Source Frameworks (Libraries): The release of open-source frameworks by tech giants like Google and Facebook democratized deep learning. Tools like TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and scikit-learn made it easier for researchers and developers to build and experiment with neural networks.
  5. Industry Adoption and Applications(Wide-Ranging Applications): Deep learning found applications in diverse fields such as healthcare (e.g., medical image analysis), autonomous driving, natural language processing (e.g., chatbots), and entertainment (e.g., recommendation systems). Its ability to solve complex problems in various domains contributed to its widespread adoption.

Various types of neural networks are utilized in deep learning. Let’s know about them.

5. Types of Neural Networks

1. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN):
— The most basic type of neural network, consisting of input, hidden, and output layers.
— Used for simple pattern recognition tasks.

2. Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP):
— A type of ANN with multiple hidden layers.
— Capable of modeling more complex patterns than basic ANNs.

3. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN):
— Specialized for processing grid-like data such as images.
— Utilizes convolutional layers to detect features like edges, textures, and objects.

4. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN):
— Designed for sequential data, such as time series or text.
— Includes loops in the network to maintain memory of previous inputs.

5. Autoencoders:
— Used for unsupervised learning tasks.
— Learns efficient codings of input data and is often used for dimensionality reduction.

6. Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN):
— Consists of two networks, a generator and a discriminator, that compete against each other.
— Used for generating realistic data, such as images and videos.

Its popularity continues to grow as it transforms industries and solves complex problems, driven by the relentless pursuit of innovation and improvement by researchers and engineers worldwide.

Anyway, in our next blog, we will delve into the Perceptron.

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Rina Mondal
Women in Technology

I have an 8 years of experience and I always enjoyed writing articles. If you appreciate my hard work, please follow me, then only I can continue my passion.