Why and how to become a Student Volunteer at SC 24

Ana Veroneze
Women in Technology
10 min readFeb 9, 2024


Learn how and why to contribute to the largest conference in HPC.

SC Students Volunteer team in 2018 (left) and 2019 (right). Photos: Jo Ramsey, SC Photography.

👋 I am Ana, a PhD student in Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, holding B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from Brazil. I volunteered at SC 4 times: in 2018 and 2019 as a Student Volunteer, and in 2020 and 2021 as a Lead Student Volunteer.

SC is the world’s largest conference in High-Performance Computing.
I wrote more about it here.

Every year SC selects students from all over the world to help during and before the conference. It is an unique volunteering experience in the field, and it can open several doors for your career. In this article I shared why becoming a Student Volunteer @ SC is one of the best experiences you can have as a student interested in HPC.


  • About the Program: requirements, responsibilities and benefits.
  • Student Volunteer: if it is your first time volunteering at SC. More about the responsabilities and 5 tips to boost your application.



Ana Veroneze
Women in Technology

Researcher in HPC. Co-founder Brazilians in Tech. EN: writes about tech, life lessons and travel. PT: escrevo sobre pós-graduação.