Can We Please Stop Saying This In Job Descriptions: “A 24/7 Mentality”

Here Is Why And What You Can Say Instead!

Neela 🌶️
Women in Technology
6 min readJun 18, 2024


Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

You know that job listing that says they want someone with a “24/7 mentality”?

That’s just corporate code for “We want to work you like a rented mule without paying overtime.” It’s an empty promise dressed up in motivational jargon.

I’ve got a story for you. A few years back, I was consulting for this big manufacturing company. They had hired this new VP of Operations who was obsessed with “changing the culture” and getting people to buy into this 24/7 hustle mentality.

Dude would wander the plant floor at 10 pm on a Saturday night just to make a point. He thought people would see him working crazy hours and feel inspired to match that “dedication.”

Well, one night, I’m there reviewing some process data, and I see him wandering around again. Except this time, he’s not alone — he’s got his two young kids trailing behind, looking bored out of their minds.

I’ll never forget this little girl, who couldn’t have been more than 6 years old, just standing there with this thousand-yard stare while her dad was ranting about KPIs or some such nonsense.

