
Coding is the new Cooking

Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology


Image: by the author.

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17 years old. I was living by myself in São Paulo.

I used to hate cooking.

Living alone and hating cooking — are two things that don’t go well together.

I went to my grandmother’s house to spend the Holidays, and she asked me how my life in the capital was and if I was eating well. I confessed that I was, but that, in fact, I hated cooking. She frowned and said: “But, daughter, knowing how to cook is a matter of survival! You might not like doing it, but you should know the basics.”

Now, picture my grandmother in 2035. Ok, picture her in 2020.

Now, replace “cook” with “code”. You might not even like coding, and you might not know much about hardware, servers, and cloud (Public? Private? Data Science? Internet of Things?) — but understanding the basic concepts will be (is already being) part of your job routine. Technology will be part of your business — no matter which area: Medicine, Law, Biology, Marketing.

Technology will be in the DNA of the next generations. And the next generations are going to be the new workforce.

Technology will be in the DNA of next generations



Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology

Career mentor, writer, researcher. Latino 30 Under 30. Sharing my experience along the way • Connect