“Find your Tribe” — Connect, Engage, and Grow. Using assets from Web3 companies such as Clay Nation where you own your IP allows you to create your own unique content, and build a community that resonates.

Community is Everything

Lally Mack
Women in Technology
5 min readMay 27, 2024


Follower count in social media, likes, reposts, views. You can’t deny each one is a bit of a dopamine hit — but how do you know if your community is following you for the right reasons? Why do you need to ensure that your followers align with what you want to achieve and are going to support you in doing it?

Creating a community that really counts won’t happen overnight, but there is a lot you can do early on to lay the groundwork to create the community you want — one that stays, supports, and elevates your message.
You don’t just want numbers; you want a passionate tribe that’s as invested in your journey as you are. Building a strong community means creating a place where people feel connected, valued, inspired to engage, and importantly, stay.

I’ve spent years working with a variety of communities, from encouraging healthy living among some of the most excluded groups to building diverse and strong online communities in the digital world. Through these experiences, I’ve discovered a few invaluable principles that I regularly and mindfully refer to.

When it comes to community-building in a digital world, one thing anyone can do is look at leaders in the space such as Gary Vee, who has a particular raw authenticity and relentless engagement, or someone like Tim Cook, with his undeniable attention to detail and brand loyalty. I’m not saying copy them, that’s a fast way to abandon your own authenticity, but there are lessons to be learned from their trials, errors, and successes and I consider these a gift.

My No.1 — Authenticity: Authenticity is Your Superpower. Real Authenticity. Really.

If you’re faking it, and your words don’t reflect how you think or feel, people will suss you out in a minute. Sure, we have tools and shortcuts that can practically do the whole task for us— and everyone likes to get some time back, right? AI is your friend, but use it sparingly and smartly (is that a word?). Save time on tasks, sure, but getting it to do the whole task for you can mean it’s not really you that’s connecting and you’re more likely to produce something that just feels off to your community.
Think about Gary Vee again for a second— he is all about being real, doesn’t sugarcoat things, and is seen personally delivering his messages and content. This has helped him build trust, appear approachable, honest and involved in his community.

Be yourself, even if that self is a bit quirky or weird. Trust me, if you are quirky, then quirky is cool for your followers.

Next up: Engage Like Your Life Depends on It

Spend time, lots of time, understanding your audience, and engage with your community like you’re engaging with your friends. Respond to comments, ask questions, and make them feel heard. Think about the difference with how it feels when somebody says to you: “That’s great” compared with “That’s great because I know that was a big deal for you to do that today” Remember, engagement isn’t just a checkbox, it’s a relationship.
And by spending time — I don’t just mean time when its convenient to you. Going out of your way to help someone will be remembered.

“People don’t remember what you do, but they remember how you make them feel” Maya Angelou.

This quote, for me, is a great reminder of the impact our interactions can have on others and that the emotional impact can leave a more lasting impression on people than the specific actions or words themselves.

In personal and professional relationships, the way we make others feel can build or break trust, loyalty, and affection. In business, this principle is crucial for customer service and brand loyalty. Customers may forget the details of a product or service, but they will remember how they were treated. A positive experience fosters repeat business and word-of-mouth recommendations. Effective leaders and influencers understand this concept and they inspire and motivate others, not just through their actions but through the feelings they evoke. So by prioritising how you make others feel, you can create more meaningful and lasting connections with your community.

Content is Still King.

Create consistent, regular content that adds value. Once again, Gary Vee is a shining example of this as he is a content machine, and look at Tim Cook, who ensures every single Apple keynote is a masterpiece. Your content should be so good that people can’t help share it.

Consistency is key, and it builds trust. If you post every Tuesday, then post every Tuesday. But don’t be boring — nobody wants the same old content all the time. Go back and really look at your own posts and ask yourself some tough questions. Would you scroll past your own posts because you’ve seen it all before? Is there more you could be doing than just saying “GM” to people on X? Engage with real-life opportunities, invite your community to come together and do something, learn something, be something that interests them and helps deepen bonds not only with you but with each other. Strike a balance between keeping your audience surprised and staying dependable.

Empower Your Community — This ties back to the idea of how you impact your community emotionally -think about how Tim Cook makes Apple users feel elite. When you give your community the opportunity to be part of something bigger, they can feel a strong sense of belonging and purpose. Celebrate your community’s achievements with them, share their stories, and, crucially, give them opportunities to learn, grow, and connect. Create real-life opportunities for them to bond together and learn together. By fostering these emotional connections and shared experiences, you build a strong, loyal community that sees themselves as part of the story in what is now their communities’ success.

The value of a strong community cannot be overstated. It really is everything. A well-connected community offers support, gives members a sense of belonging, and encourages growth and collaboration. Whether it’s promoting healthy living, driving social change, or building a loyal brand following, a strong and healthy community is the backbone of meaningful progress. By investing your time and thought into what really makes authentic connections and empowering individuals, we create environments where people thrive. It’s my hope that this can help support you to understand some of the important factors in building a community that uplifts, and inspires one another, and ultimately helps you to achieve your vision.

If you like my content, talk to me. You can follow me on X: @lallymcclay



Lally Mack
Women in Technology

Lally's Guide to Life: Navigating Web3 with wit and wisdom. Celebrating life's detours, advocating individuality and optimism.