Creating a Test Automation Portfolio — Introduction

Lakshmi Nandakumar
Women in Technology
2 min readOct 9, 2023

Hello! My name is Lakshmi. I’m an SDET and a quality engineering enthusiast. I came across the concept of a test automation portfolio while I was chatting to an ex-colleague at a conference. It got me thinking about building my portfolio. It would be an added bonus along with the CV. A recruiter/future employer can actually see the work I’ve done, not just read about it on my CV/Resume.

As we all know, continuous learning is part of personal development & progress in any industry, especially the tech industry. We try our best to keep on top of the ever-changing trends in the industry, this includes learning new tools & techniques to perform our best.

Portfolio by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

I would like to achieve 2 goals from this exercise:

  1. Showcase my skills by building test frameworks using the tools I’ve already worked with.
  2. Learn new tools that can help me automate different areas of testing.

Here’s a list of all the different items that will eventually make up my Test Automation Portfolio:

Web UI Automation Testing

  • Cypress in Typescript
  • Selenium with CucumberJS in Javascript
  • Playwright in Python
  • Selenium Webdriver in Java
  • WebdriverIO with Jasmine/Mocha/Cucumber in Javascript
  • SerenityJS using screenplay pattern in Javascript

Mobile Automation Testing

  • Appium
  • WebdriverIO

Automated Visual Regression Testing

  • Percy

Automated API Testing

  • 15 days Postman Challenge for testers
  • Supertest with Mocha in Javascript
  • Requests in Python

Automated Database Testing

  • SQL
  • Selenium in Java

Automated Performance Testing

  • Grafana k6 OSS

Automated Accessibility Testing

  • Cypress with Axe

Contract Testing

  • Pact

I plan to write a separate blog post for each of the items on the list with details on how I wrote the framework. If you’re looking to create a portfolio of your own, please feel free to use mine as a guide.

This is a huge challenge for me as I’m neurodivergent! But I want to commit to it & see it through to the end. So wish me luck guys! I need it more than ever :)

I’ll be back soon with part 2 of this series of blog post.

Thanks for reading!



Lakshmi Nandakumar
Women in Technology

Senior QA Engineer | SDET | Quality Engineering Enthusiast! | Voracious reader | Neurodivergent | Applitools Ambassador | GirlCode Ambassador/Mentor