Destination Dev II

Fiona Wiggins
Women in Technology
3 min readFeb 12, 2023

“Could be worse.” — Matthias, Son of Deuteronomy of Gath, Life of Brian, 1979 (or indeed, A.D. 33).

It’s about to get worse. Actually, that’s terribly ungrateful; perhaps “more intense” is the polite way to describe it. The Makers pre-course is now complete, and the monstrous main course is about to be served up, steaming hot enough to turn a turbine, and as relentless as a determined squirrel trying to one-up your bird feeder security measures.

Graham Chapman as Brian of Nazareth

The four week pre-course was not a doddle for me. The idea of the pre-course is to get everyone to the same level before they start the main course. For some, it will fill in a few gaps in their knowledge, for others, it’ll be a decent challenge, and for me, I will tell you that I felt like a heavy sprinter attempting Alpe d’Huez with the all the agony that that entails, and relief when you realise the race jury won’t dock points becuase you missed the time cut. The blips of ecstasy when you nail the intermediate sprints provide motivation to keep going.

I had a little dabble on Codewars this week, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the katas seemed a touch more intuitive than they were a few weeks ago, and I also had a bash at my side projects and found that I now have ideas about how I can get them germinating nicely. Hopefully these vague ideas will turn into clearer plans as the weeks go by. There is a lot of talk at Makers about goal setting and reflection. This subject matter is alien to me, and I ain’t gonna lie, it sounds like a load of trendy codswallop hollow box-ticking corporate management speak. I come not from that world. Roll up your sleeves and work, right? Don’t drop a scaffolding pole on your colleague’s head. Don’t cut someone’s ear off whilst cutting their hair. Don’t get kicked in the face whilst nailing in a new horse shoe. However, I am not a complete pillock, and I am here to learn. If Makers says that I need to learn this witchcraft, then I will carefully set down my cynicism and put as much effort into it as I will into coding. I trust that they wouldn’t throw it in for frivolity and it might help me articulate things that I find vague and woolly.

“Now write it out a hundred times.”

“If it’s not done by sunrise, I’ll cut your balls off.” — Roman centurion, Life of Brian, 1979 ( or indeed, A.D. 33).

Over the next three months, there won’t be time to write things out a hundred times before sunrise. I am simply going to have to be sharp enough to learn at a faster pace than that, probably by writing it out about two or three times. Or better yet, DRY. Speaking of sunrise, this last month I’ve had nights when I’ve slept like a corpse from exercising my brain so strenuously. I have a discernible increase in appetite too from my brain gorging itself on glycogen to fuel this strenuous exercise, and for the last couple of days I’ve had a slight headache. Cerebral DOMS?

Right, hunkering down… Nighty night!

