Embracing 100 Days Of Code

Eliza Fury
Women in Technology
3 min readJul 4, 2023


I’m here to share my strategies for completing the “100 Days of Code” challenge. While I haven’t personally completed the challenge yet, I’m excited to guide you through my plan. So, grab your favourite mug, caffeinate yourself, and dive into my process/advice for completing 100 Days of Code.

  • Goal setting: When starting the process, I established a focused goal in one or two sentences when planning what I would do. I did this to ensure I would stay on track and confirm that I would get the most out of my time. My goal for this challenge is to enhance my skills by upgrading my online website portfolio.
My current website portfolio
  • Mapping out the adventure: The next time step I’ve taken is creating a document outlining potential project features. Doing this ensures I’m considering what features to implement and saving time during the coding process. To achieve this, I’ve used notion.
Photo by Filip Baotić on Unsplash
  • Create a Coding Sanctuary: My plan moving forward is to ensure my coding area is where I can immerse myself without distractions. For you, that may be revamping your space to have inspiring quotes, fairy lights, or anything that sparks joy. Don’t forget to keep your favourite snacks and beverages on hand. Remember, comfort is essential for unleashing the coding god/goddess within.
  • Find your learning style: There’s an endless sea of resources; the trick is finding pockets of information that suit your learning style. Find those that resonate with you and keep them on a list for safekeeping. I find YouTube to be my preferred platform. On the Platform, I’ve been fortunate enough to be subscribed to individuals who consistently offer valuable insight and guidance. Additionally, as a result, I do not need to maintain a separate list, as I already have a curated list of subscribed channels.
  • Document your journey: My plan throughout this journey is to maintain a coding journal or blog. This will be a great way to share my experiences, challenges and breakthroughs. Not only do I think this will be a great thing to look back on, but I’ll hopefully be able to inspire others to participate in the challenge.
  • Use Github: I’ve already done this, but to anyone that hasn’t, create a repository to track your code. By committing your code changes daily, you can visually see the consecutive days you’ve been coding for. Even if it’s a simple change, make an effort to commit every day.

If, after reading this post, you’ve decided to join me, I warmly encourage you to follow my account and feel free to reach out without any hesitation.

