For Customers’ Sake: Give Me Back Diversity and Inclusion in Tech!

I Won’t Settle for Sloppy Tech. Will You?

Séphora Bemba
Women in Technology


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

The recent backlash against diversity and inclusion in business has been a confusing show to watch.

In all these heated debates, we often don’t emphasize enough how shifting the focus away from diversity impacts customers and the quality of the delivered experiences as a result.

I’m especially worried about the effects on tech.

Embracing the status quo rather than striving for authentic diversity-focused company cultures could surely lead us to a darker tech future.

“Do I really want to achieve product excellence and the best experience for all customers?”

Lovers of the status quo should ask themselves this question more often.

I firmly believe upholding an inclusive corporate culture, if truly lived out, not performed, plays a great role in creating fair, harmless tech and AI-powered products. The power of company culture should not be underestimated.

Still not convinced? Let me spotlight four epic fails where status quo cultures are killing tech customers today and why we shouldn’t accept that.



Séphora Bemba
Women in Technology

Empowering change through Tech, Data and AI Conversations | Data Scientist | Data Engineer | Tech Communications Manager