How Dismissing Gen Z Values Puts Us All At Risk!

And what you can do about it!

Neela 🌶️
Women in Technology
7 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Mario Verduzco on Unsplash

There’s something weirdly violating about getting your teeth cleaned.

You’re just lying there helpless with your mouth wide open while a stranger jams sharp metal tools around your gums.

It’s like being a Thanksgiving turkey with no ability to protest the invasive ramming.

I typically dread dentist appointments, but when you find a halfway competent one who doesn’t treat your mouth like a Diehard movie, you learn to close one eye to those “positives.”

That was the case with my hygienist Mary — harsh with the scraping, but not actively trying to euthanize me.

On my last visit, Mary was complaining about some new Gen Z hire at the office.

“These kids today, I swear! So lazy and entitled. You see all those people out in the waiting room? Brandi had the audacity to clock out at 2pm to go grab lunch!”

Ah yes, the sheer gall of eating a meal sometime before the release of the evening wolves.

How dare Brandi take a state-mandated break on a pre-scheduled workday just because she’s a human being with bodily needs!

The selfishness!

