How To: Input Text on a JS Form

Emily Valdez
Women in Technology
2 min readSep 30, 2023

Follow these 6 steps to learn how to retrieve text input from a JavaScript form and display that text on the DOM.

Step 1: Retrieve the HTML values of the targeted elements, and assign JavaScript constants to each.

In the following example, we will assign a constant to the form element, the text input field, and the existing div called “books-container”.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<form class="add-book-form">
<h3>What's Your Favorite Book?</h3>
<input type="text" id="new-title"
placeholder="Enter the book's title:"/>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<div id="books-container">
const theForm = document.querySelector('.add-book-form');
const theBook = document.getElementById('new-title');
const theList = document.getElementById('books-container');

Step 2: Create an Event Listener to listen for the form submission. Use the .preventDefault()method to keep the browser from refreshing after the user inputs their text.

//Use dot notation to attach the event listener to our constant:
theForm.addEventListener('submit', event => {

Step 3: Retrieve the value of the text input field and assign it to a JavaScript constant. This line of code stays within the event listener block.

const inputBookTitle = theBook.value;

Step 4: Create a new element that will display the submitted text. Use .textContent to display only the text part of the element.

const newBook = document.createElement('p');
newBook.textContent = inputBookTitle;

Step 5: Append the new input text element to the existing DOM element.


Step 6: Clear the form using the reset() method.


Putting all of the steps together, here is the complete JavaScript code for the HTML example provided at the beginning:

const theForm = document.querySelector('.add-book-form')
const theBook = document.getElementById('new-title')
const theList = document.getElementById('books-container')

theForm.addEventListener('submit', event => {
const inputTitle = theBook.value
const newBook = document.createElement('p');
newBook.textContent = inputTitle;
User inputs their favorite book title, “An Absolutely Remarkable Thing” by Hank Green.
View gif recording of this code in action!

Read more on this topic:
MozDevNet. HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN, Accessed 1 Oct. 2023.

