How to use Instagram data to grow your business revenue

Women in Technology
6 min readOct 28, 2023

I find it pretty easy to write about how to use Instagram as it has long been my social media marketing go-to.

When I wanted to connect with my friends across the globe whilst also quickly garnering data. And, of course, slowly but surely growing my brand.

Before I dive in, let me explain that I don’t have a business Instagram account at present. I have a personal account.

However, over the last 15 years, I’ve managed Instagram business accounts and also written search engine optimised (SEO) copy for a diverse range of both small and global businesses.

Who needed a hand with optimising their social platforms, websites, and overall online branding efforts?

And like I always say. I have all the content strategies and articles in my Google Docs and OneDrive to prove all my over two decades’ worth of deliverables.

But let’s get back to the topic at hand.

That being Insta and data…the marriage made in data capture heaven (lol). And how to use Instagram to grow your business revenue.

Where is the data hidden in Instagram?

The data is hidden most obviously in the profiles of the accounts of the people/other business entities who like your posts by tapping the heart button.

But it’s also very well hidden in your story views, which also shows the profiles of people who don’t follow you BUT have been guided to your story via the hashtags you used within your story design.

And then, we have lots of data hidden on the explore page. Where is the explore page Nikki I hear you cry…

To find your explore page, you’ll need to tap the second button along the bottom of the Instagram interface on the screen of your device that looks like a magnifying glass (see visual below).

The Explore page on Instagram: Is there a method in the madness?

Here, you’ll see a plethora of posts that consist of reels (short-form videos) and some carousel-style posts, too.

The posts that come up will tell you two things about how Instagram views your account.

One, it will showcase the types of posts in the niche that you most likely view when you aimlessly scroll.

By niche, I mean posts around fashion, beauty, fitness, technology travel, or whatever it is you consume (aimlessly because you don’t understand that the algorithm is watching everything you do).

And, two, it will reveal something about people who tend to follow you.

Or it may just be a mish-mash of people whose accounts have some affinity with the type of content that you post or view!

As you see from my explanation, the explore page is a mish-mash. Until you begin to start showing it what you want to see if you are running a business Instagram account.

How to manipulate the data in Instagram to benefit your business growth -fast!

Here’s the thing, we have become slaves to the distraction that social media gives us as we scroll, tap, post, and share our lives and/or brands and businesses on these data-consuming unified comms platforms.

But if you want to WIN at the game of digital marketing. You need to learn how to manipulate the algorithm. So that on daily basis.

Social media is WORKING for YOU!!!!

How to start working the algorithm like a new employee?

If your Instagram account has been left dormant for a long time.

The first thing you need to do is create a sense of order. Think of it like onboarding a new employee.

It needs to be clear on your strategy, key objectives, and your week-by-week goals. And to keep audiences hooked, you’ll need to figure out how to create a brand voice and brand look and feel.

The algorithm needs to know:

• Who you are and what you do (business-wise)

• Who your audience is and what they do (more on digital customer avatars coming soon).

Creating a content calendar to get the algorithm rolling

If creating a monthly Instagram content calendar feels overwhelming. I’d take it week by week at the outset.

Especially if you are attempting to do this without the help of a marketing agency or a freelance social media strategist.

To inform your content strategy design, I’d also do some digital mapping. To help me see what other key players in my industry share on their Instagram business accounts.

It is super easy to create a week’s worth of content that consists of reels and carousels (two to five static images shared in one post).

For example, I could break down how to use Instagram Medium to post into a series. That I would package up as a” how to use Instagram tutorial style series”

That would be posted as a series of Instagram reels. The series could tentatively run from part 1 through to part 100.

And may go on for infinity. This type of series-style content tends to slowly but surely keep viewers hooked.

As they subconsciously look out for your content. Knowing that they are getting lots of value.

From watching and learning from your Instagram reels.

Which they can save on Instagram and refer back to and use when they wish to post eye-catching content too!

How to use Instagram stories to capture data!

After you post in your feed or solely on your reels page (yes, you can post a reel and choose NOT to share it to your feed).

You will then share the static post/reel to your Instagram story and ensure you include:

  • A location tag (use the same location for a week) so it gets into the location algorithm that is searchable data on Instagram)
  • A trending gif (you’ll get brownie points from Instagram for using popular shareable content)
  • Keywords as hashtags that will help your ideal customer find you. For example, if I wanted someone to hire me for social media coaching, I’d add keywords like #socialmediastrategist #socialmediaexpert, and #socialmediacoachingsercives into my story.
  • The “new reel” or “new post” sticker over the reel content so it is not visible.

NOTE: By placing a sticker over the content in the story. You hide the content that automatically plays. This makes the viewer curious as to what’s in it and encourages them to tap the screen to be nosey and view it!

Hiding the hashtags back that you ought to know!

Remember that it is unsightly to fill the screen of a story with hashtags. But what you can do is take all the hashtag copy and then pinch the copy and shrink it down.

So that the wording is super tiny and then hide it behind another visual within the story (see visual below) ⬇️

An image of a screenshot of an Instagram story visual used to explain how to make an instagram story.
How to make an Instagram story optimised to capture data

Digital mapping and using data capture from Instagram wisely

So you have posted a reel and shared it with your story, and you have one week’s worth of a content plan in place.

Now it’s time to do some market research right inside the GRAM. Use the search bar to find the accounts of businesses that are similar to yours.

So that you can take a look at their data, e.g. the profiles of the people who comment on and like their posts, the types of content they post, and when they post.

Most businesses tend to automate their posts using platforms such as Hootsuite or Sprout, to name but a few!

How to make digital mapping easy?

TIP: You can also use software such as BuzzSumo to find the top performers in your industry.

So that you can cleverly target them with the “comment strategy” that I’ll share with you in a future post.

And finally…..

So, as you can see from this short but sweet post. Data and analytics are ripe for the picking within the Instagram social media platform.

And if you use the data wisely as part of a digital sales funnel. Your global presence and revenue will begin to grow exponentially over time.

It’s all about posting and positioning your content in front of the right people at the right time. In a voice that speaks to them using the right data and keywords to put your mark in the million-dollar-making social media marketing sand!

More on how to use Instagram for storytelling and, as promised, Instagram comment strategy — coming soon!

I didn’t want to make this post a longer read like the last one. I am still getting back into writing blog style again, so please don’t judge me.

I’ve yet to explain my absence and the joy of living with PMMD. I will get to writing a piece on that soon.

Digital salutations,


