I Compare 3 Software Development Approaches to an Apple Pie Recipe To Improve Understanding

I understand what engineers expect from a project manager, and I bring real added value to software development project.

Carole Longe
Women in Technology


I’ve been managing IT projects for 5 years. Whatever the project methodology (V-cycle, Agile Scrum or Safe), I encounter the same problems.

It’s always about project quality.

  • During project development (BUILD): While my tests, I come across anomalies or incorrect behavior. My tickets are sent back to the developers or designers for correction.
  • After the project has gone delivery (RUN): Users encounter anomalies or regressions. I create an emergency ticket, to make a fix.

I know that all members of the development team want to offer the best possible quality.
Whether it’s for the end-user, the consumer, the customer, but above all, for themselves.

One day, an iOS LeadTech tells me about an approach: TDD — Test Driven Development.

I was curious, so I dug into the subject.
I discovered 2 other approaches: BDD and DDD.

  • DDD for Domain-Driven Design



Carole Longe
Women in Technology

I help Product Owners and neurodivergents to boost their skills 🖤