Writing Code? STOP! Think First…

What you should do before jumping into implementing and writing code.

Basma Taha
Women in Technology


Image created by DALLE4

As a person who is action-biased, I am not accustomed to spending much time in the preprocessing and thinking phases. I prefer taking obvious actions; it’s part of who I am.

This is why, as a junior engineer, I struggled to take a step back and think before implementing or jumping to conclusions.

I am still training myself to paint the full picture, or at least most of it (since you can’t know everything before implementation), before diving into code implementation.

As you know, coding requires time and effort, so it’s important not to waste that!

Here are some useful steps I remind myself of, and I try to practice before tackling every problem.

1. Stop and ask yourself the following

Before leaping to solutions, the first step is to validate your assumptions or initial instincts.

You can do this by asking yourself a series of questions:

Is what you are implementing still relevant?

Often, we encounter numerous tasks or issues that have been logged in the backlog for a long time.



Basma Taha
Women in Technology

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