Lally’s Guide to Life Pt 1.2: Navigating Gender Bias in the Web 3.0 Era

Lally Mack
Women in Technology
3 min readSep 18, 2023

“I don’t normally respond to dumb posts. But this hit a nerve and in a progressive world of Web 3 there should be no place for it. Defining roles by gender is limiting & regressive — It’s 2023. 🤷‍♀️”

In the ever-evolving world of Web 3, one might expect progressive thinking to be the norm. However, the tweet above, which I posted in response to persistent, regressive comments about female founders in the Cardano blockchain community, sparked a surprising amount of controversy…

While I typically steer clear of divisive topics on social media, to avoid giving attention to those who thrive on it, this particular comment struck a nerve. It prompted me to address an issue that, in my opinion, has no place in our modern digital age.

The Problematic Tweet and Its Implications

The initial tweet that spurred my response contained derogatory remarks about a leading project on the Cardano blockchain, Clay Nation, led by two talented female founders. The comment suggested that these “girls” couldn’t possibly achieve success in such a domain. The tipping point was a statement that “girls shouldn’t do men’s jobs.” Such a mindset, which attempts to define roles based on gender, is not only limiting but also regressive. In a time when we’re making strides in equality and inclusivity, such comments were a stark reminder of the biases that still persist.

The Twitter Storm: A Reflection of Deep-Rooted Biases

The reactions to my tweet were both startling and revealing. Spin-off threads emerged, with some men challenging the idea of women in certain roles, e.g. asking if I’d want my daughter working in a coal mine. Others took it to extremes, even challenging each other to physical confrontations to prove their points. The original poster, whom we’ll refer to as GM, even returned only to make inappropriate remarks of a personal nature to me. While I attempted to clarify that my comment was about the context of Web 3 and not a broader men v women gender debate, the intensity of the reactions was a clear indication of the deep-rooted biases that exist.

The Role of Web 3 in Shaping the Future

Web 3 is more than just technological advancement or a buzzword; it represents a shift in how we think, collaborate, and innovate. It’s a space that thrives on diverse perspectives and inclusive thinking. By limiting participation based on gender or any other arbitrary factor, we stifle the very innovation that Web 3 embodies.

Let’s bring the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals into this.(Particularly SDG 5). The SDGs aren’t just some made up ideal scribbled on a UN notepad. SDG5 is about commitment to achieving gender equality and why that’s good for everyone. And who knew? Gender equality isn’t just a “feel-good” move. It adds rocket fuel to our economies. Studies have shown that when women thrive, wallets get fatter, productivity increases, and decision-making becomes richer and more colourful. So, in the world of Web 3, where innovation is the name of the game, sidelining 50% of the population based on gender would be like using the web on dial-up. Spoiler alert: It wouldn’t end well.

The Responsibility to Speak Out

While many argued that giving attention to such regressive views was counterproductive, I believe that silence can often be mistaken for complicity. When lines are crossed, it becomes our collective responsibility to call out such behaviour. By doing so, we not only stand up for what’s right but also pave the way for a more inclusive and accepting community. Aligning with SDG Goal 5, it’s essential to recognise that gender equality isn’t just a women’s issue but a societal one that impacts us all.

This incident was a reminder to me that, while we’ve come a long way in promoting equality and inclusivity, there’s still much work to be done. As members of the tech community and society at large, it’s our duty to challenge biases, promote inclusivity, and ensure that the digital age is one where everyone has a voice. By championing gender equality, as outlined in SDG Goal 5, we set up our daughters, and sons, for a more prosperous, innovative, and equitable future.



Lally Mack
Women in Technology

Lally's Guide to Life: Navigating Web3 with wit and wisdom. Celebrating life's detours, advocating individuality and optimism.